backpacking baldy with my 4 year old.....

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by friendowl »

"daddy, i want to go to the mountains" .....about 30 minutes later we are
gassed up and on our way to mt.baldy.......with a pack of powdered donuts
and some gatorade we make our way to the ski hut area....we left manker
at 530.....


when we started i had it in my mind that id most likely carry my lil one up most of the way if not all...she likes walking but up hill for two miles or so
is not that easy....i had one of those proud father moments...she walked up the entire way..every step..she even ran fast as i could hike she was always able to stay a few steps in was awesome...


i planned on spending the night up on the ridge but once my daughter seen the ski hut she wanted to set up around there.....we said hello to the
guys who were fixing the hut and looked around a lil...



as was a long night..i was comfortable but couldnt sleep...
id sleep for a bit then wake up and lay there looking for meteors ...
i didnt see any but it was cool just being there........


on the way down a fellow hiker was real impressed with my lil girl..
she answered his questions and he was all smiles....he reached into his pack and pulled out 5.00 dollars which he gave to her...she was all smiles


we made it back and stopped at the falls to cool off and relax...we both
didnt feel like going home.....


"next time we are going to the top dad".........good kid
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Post by HikeUp »


I remember seeing your tent when I stopped at the ski hut (about 6:35) to put something in my pack and take a few minute break. I heard a child's voice. Good stuff!
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Cool hike; cool pix; very cool lil' hiker. :D
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Post by 406 »

Very cool, those photos are great. You must be proud!

I don't understand the $5 gift? Did you know the other hiker?
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Post by Taco »


What a sweet kid!
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Post by friendowl »

406 wrote:Very cool, those photos are great. You must be proud!

I don't understand the $5 gift? Did you know the other hiker?

no i didnt know him..they were a group of older asian men and women..
they didnt speak very good english but they gave off good vibes..the hiker
asked if she like the mounatins "you rike montans" ......."i have gif fo you"

then they all kept walking and laughing as they walked people

what is it about trails that attracts so many asian people?

rarely do i see any mexican or african americans.....
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Post by Taco »

Asians, mostly Koreans in my experience, really like the outdoors and hiking. Dunno why, I guess.

Post by FIGHT ON »

friendowl wrote:
406 wrote:rarely do i see any mexican
I see em all the time. Running! Almost every hike. Shorty guys. Kickin ass! I saw two on Sat running up the west side trail leading up to Mt. Williamson. Sometimes I see a white dude or two running but rarely.

Post by FIGHT ON »

Hey Taco! I think she is saying something in sign language!
Maybe she is saying I found your missing middle fingers?
friendowl wrote:Image
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