Scarlet Point, Scarlet Mountain & Jasper Mountain

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David R
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Post by David R »

There is a bunch of randomly named peaks in the middle of the Simi Hills, that had these cool names so I decided to go check them out. They can either be hiked from Victory Blvd Trailhead or to make it a bit shorter from Las Virgenes. I hiked from Las Virgenes and as expected had many stream crossing. The TH is located in suburbia and is typically used by locals and bikers. The first couple of crossings had improvised crossings but as you got further away, you had to do with jumping or at a certain point just wading across the creek. Typically this area is as dry as a bone and now it has a 5-10 feet across stream with 6 inches to a foot of water pretty amazing. There are lots of trails that branch off from the main canyon but you keep on working your way up canyon.

After two quick stream crossings about 2 miles in, the road starts to climb up the east tributary while a bike path goes to the west and to Chesebro Canyon. You continue on the main fire road and should see to the left some homes that make up the end of Bell Canyon. At this point there is a deteriorated fire road to the left or you can continue on a longer route on the main fire road. I went to the left and there were a couple of wash outs and clambers before you meet back up with the main fire road that is now climbing steeply through a little notch between two hills. Once you reach the notch you'll see a burned out car ahead of you.

The peak to the left of you is Jasper and the next two bumps after it are Scarlet and the point respectively. In the write up it says that there is a use trail that contours around Jasper to a saddle. I kind of saw the use trail but with all the growth it was difficult to follow better to just go straight up the ridge. I was halfway through the contour and just went straight up the south side steep but doable. On the way down I followed the ridge directly and it was no problem. There is a bench on top of Jasper as well as one by Scarlet Point and a sign-in canister. Apparently there is a guy who hikes here a lot with his kids and he named these three points after them, made the use trail, and brought up the benches. An industrious sort of fellow. Scarlet Point is worth the hike as it had a good vantage point even though it was lower then other peaks in the area as it is where the Las Virgenes canyon really begins to open up. It was also particularly nice this day as the whole hillside was abloom with poppies.

A nice moderate spring hike to an area that I hadn't been. If it wasn't for the Bell Canyon homes you would feel like you were out in the wilderness which is unusual for the Simi Hills. The peaks don't have enough prominence to be separate but it's all good and the creek was in fine form. On the way back for the last 1/2 mile there is a trail that climbs the side of the west canyon which I used to avoid having to deal with the creek crossing and that got me away for the bikers and the fire road. That route can also be used at the start to make it feel more like a hike.
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Post by AW~ »

I think the area burnt a few years back....a pretty good sunset hike, springtime . Of course I have just stayed in the valley in true NHPS spirit.
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Uncle Rico
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Post by Uncle Rico »

Huh. Who knew? I've biked right past that car and never gave the peaks to the left any mind. Now I may have to go back and check it out.
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Girl Hiker
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Post by Girl Hiker »

Wow! Thanks for the info on these peaks. I've hiked many times starting at Victory trailhead up and down those hills and had no clue.

Beautiful poppies!
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Uncle Rico
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Post by Uncle Rico »

I was up at the saddle with the rusted out cars yesterday. If there's a use trail to the summit of Jasper, I didn't see it (but I also didn't search that diligently). That north-facing slope is pretty dang shaggy from all the rain we got. Accessing the south-facing slope is a challenge for other reasons. I was in shorts and didn't feel like bashing through thick brush and getting a zillion ticks and/or stepping on a rattlesnake so I didn't go to the summit. The use trail must not get that much action.

David, I assume you contoured right around Jasper through that flat area as opposed to the left parallel to the fire road?
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David R
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Post by David R »

I did contour to the left or the south side, it started getting pretty steep and I wasn't sure if I was still on the use trail so that was when I went straight up the south face. There is so much new growth that the use trail is pretty much overgrown until the grasses die out. The right and north is too brushy but going straight up the ridge in my mind makes the most sense and doesn't have that much growth.
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