Zuma Canyon Loop

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Uncle Rico
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Post by Uncle Rico »

It's been awhile since I posted a TR.

On Sunday, I decided I needed to get back into the swing of things, but didn't want to go inland because of the heat. So I headed for the coast where I thought it would be a bit cooler. It was, but not by much.

I wanted something longer so I settled on the Zuma Canyon Loop. The route starts at the top of Busch Drive in Malibu, ascends the Zuma Ridge Trail, drops down the Zuma Edison Fire Road, follows the Zuma Canyon Connector to the Kanan-Edison Road, drops down the Ocean View Trail to Zuma Canyon, and then climbs the Ridge-Canyon Access Trail back to the start. Total mileage was 10.6. My app (View Ranger) said the elevation gain was almost 4,200 feet. AllTrails says 2,755. I think the truth probably lies somewhere in between.

The route is a continuous climb from the beginning to the junction with the Zuma Edison Road. The climb isn't particularly steep, but it is unrelenting. All the way up you have nice views of the coast. But the route up is south-facing and exposed. There is no shade. In fact, there is very little shade on the entire loop. This is not a fun summertime loop. Take a minimum of 3 liters of water. It is a dry, hot slog.


At junction with the Zuma Edison Fire Road, you have a decision to make. Turn back and return to your car, or carry on. If you opt for the latter, make sure you have enough juice in the tank and in your water reservoir because once you drop into Zuma Canyon, you're committed. This is the point of no return. There is no way out that doesn't involve a 1000 foot climb.


The road drops quickly into the depths of Zuma Canyon on a fire road and then you have a long road climb out the other side. The canyon bottom was dry, but in the winter after the rains the water is probably flowing here.

Once you get out of the canyon, you come to an intersection with the Zuma Canyon Connector Trail on the right. The obvious trail is marked, but not with the name of the trail. Take this until it connects with the Kanan-Edison Road. This is the only single-track on the entire route. Nice views of Malibu and the Pacific along this stretch.
A bit later, the Ocean View Trail intersects from the right. This trail is a dusty affair as equestrians use it regularly. On the day I was out, I encountered a equine train of about 10 horses coming up this path stirring up dust and flies.

Once at the bottom of the canyon, you've got one last climb to make it back to the parking area. A final kick in the groin. It's not terribly steep, but I was ready to be done only to find out that I wasn't.

Anyway, good loop in the Santa Monicas.
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Post by HikeUp »

Thanks for the TR.

I try to avoid kicks to the groin. FYI.
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Post by dima »

Nice! I think I've done this many many years ago. Don't remember anything about it. Do you have a sense of whether this had more shade, but it all burned down semi-recently? Or is this just how it is?
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Girl Hiker
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Post by Girl Hiker »

Beautiful pics! I love that area.
You need to get out more often and hike the Santa Monica's in cooler weather.
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Uncle Rico
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Post by Uncle Rico »

Do you have a sense of whether this had more shade, but it all burned down semi-recently? Or is this just how it is?
I know this area burned in the Woolsey Fire (2018), but I believe it was mainly coastal sage scrub and grass before then, so my sense is this is just how it is. There are some big Sycamores when you hit the creek at the bottom of Zuma Canyon which provide some shade before you climb back out. I've heard you can rock-hop and brush-bash up (or down) the canyon to the trailhead at the top of Bonsall Drive, but from where I was sitting, it looked like that might be pretty slow going.
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Post by Sean »

Ow my balls!

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Post by JerryN »

I used to hike this when I lived on Busch and the 4200' sounds right. You can always bail at the bottom of Zuma Canyon by going out through Bonsall and back up Busch.
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