Mt. Baldy Mountaineering Classes?

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Post by Peeble »

Anyone heard of any companies running them this season? Contacted REI and they said they won't have any.
I know there are some in the Sierras but was hoping that there's something closer to home.
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Post by Sean »

Have you tried begging Taco to take you up there?
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Post by Taco »

I think things are a bit thin nowadays with corona. I dunno how REI is handling things since they’ve seen some changes lately, company stuff. Maybe I’m wrong on that.

We did one as a forum event of sorts back in the day, 2009 maybe? I took heat from some people cause this is modern America and you need insurance to run a class, cause money is our god. Pissed a few people off cause I hate that shit, so we called it a clinic. Buncha great people showed up, everything went great, people learned self arrest, made friends, had a great time. Tried doing it subsequent years but it’s hard to line up time with life and weather/conditions. I won’t try to host again. I only got one winter climb last year. Unfortunately I don’t know where you’d look for a similar thing. I think it’s only going to get harder. Best bet is probably to talk to a friend you have who does that stuff and have them mentor you, go on easy climbs, work your way up. Otherwise, it’s money, and it might be challenging to find a company running a course with the current situation. Good luck, I hope you’re able to find a solution. I miss that day.
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