I don't have a photo with the fly available, but the Orion's fly is similar to other Sierra Designs tent flys. The fly is a full length fly and has a small clear plastic window in it.
This tent is rock solid. It is built to resist strong winds. This would be a good tent for those of you who like to sleep high on exposed ridges and summits. Its Arch Support Technology (AST) makes it very stable. The tent is fairly long which is good for tall folks. You can see where I bought it from and some information on it at http://www.sierratradingpost.com/p/0,88 ... -Tent.html This is a very popular tent model, and as you can see it is already sold out on their website.
Their price: $159.95. I'm offering it at $140.00 ($19.95 less than their price), footprint included, shipping extra. If you're nearby, I can arrange to meet you. I work in Pasadena and live in Tujunga.
Post here or PM me, and let's talk!