Looking for SoCal ski touring crew

Trip planning, history, announcements, books, movies, opinions, etc.
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Post by kyleabrodsky »

San Diego skier here. Expert skier who has full touring setup but pretty novice to touring. Done a bunch of cat trips and sidecrountry hikes , but looking for people who are up to explore near baldy or wherever when the snow is right. Be good to get some local fitness days skinning and getting some turns in , so when I visit friends in PNW I’ll be in better touring shape. Anyway lemme know
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Post by CWV »

I'm in a similar position, hit me up if you want to arrange a day in the SG or SB ranges
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Post by milotrain »

I am too, took an AIARE-1 a few years back, did a microscopic bit of touring in CO same year. Fully ditched my alpine setup and no the few times I get inbounds it's on the touring rig. A work friend is also in this boat. 2020 snow looks not great but we did an exploratory trip to Baldy/SanAntonio last year that showed promise. I don't know how much I'll be on this site but you can hit me up at my user name at gmail.

sierradecents.com is good for beta.
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Post by wesweswes »

Howdy all, I have snowboarded a lot, but never backcountry. Would be interested in doing some easier stuff in the local areas, but would probably need to snow shoe it up since I don't have a split board. Anyway, I'm happy to tag along if you'll have me...
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Post by milotrain »

wesx3 do you have a shovel probe and beacon?
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Post by wesweswes »

I don't have either--I'm a newbie to the backcountry stuff
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Post by milotrain »

Cool. I have spares, but like climbing gear unless you know how to use it the gear itself is pretty useless. I'm happy to share what little I know (emphasis on little) but if you are keen on it you may find an AIARE level 1 to be a good introduction.
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