Snow hike front range

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by JeffH »

With the big dump of snow last week I definitely wanted to avoid the crowds up near Baldy, plus with so much so fast it's also kind of dangerous and stuff like that makes me less popular at home. So I cast about for a nice front range destination and settled on a couple of unnamed peaks, 2760 and 3397. I learned about them from the informative Dan Simpson site and Friday morning I set off.
Heading up the Mystic Canyon Trail means an immediate steep climb before coming to a nice view of the San Gabriel valley below, then it turns into a nice trail up the canyon sides. After a very short photo break at a junction, I saw the sign for Punkout hill, I had heard of this steep incline up the side of 2670 so I took the challenge. Connecting with the Morgan Truck Trail again, I wandered around the side of 2670 and spotted the use trail going up the north side. It's an unremarkable summit although it does have very nice views. I spent a while looking around for a benchmark but could not find one.
From there the trail goes past a high ridgeline - looks like another couple of peaks from the other side - and gets a bit more overgrown. I also found snow on the north side of the ridge, so I stopped to put on the Microspikes. They weren't a need, but since I brought them I figured I should use them and they do make for faster walking since I don't have to plan out each step. There are some great views along this route, and upon reaching the firebreak to 3397 it's just spectacular. The amount of snow in the mountains was stunning and the view goes for miles each direction. I walked up the snow covered hill to the peak, and when I arrived there I realized that I forgot to pack a couple of things - a lighter for my Jetboil, the charger for my camera battery and a tyvek sit pad. The latter was OK since I found a rock cairn holding a summit register but no flame meant no hot cocoa this day and I had my phone as a backup camera. I was the first person to leave tracks to the summit on this day, and also the first signature in the book since September. That seems odd, I guess many people that visit don't look under piles of rocks for these things.
On the way down I took the regular trail that left 2670, it's maybe a mile longer as it gently winds around some other hills. At the lower junction I went down the Poopout Trail but walked right past the use trail back to the Mystic Canyon route. That meant a lot more steep downhill and my knees are still reminding me about it. It also reaches the bottom at Glendora Mountain Road, which meant a half mile of road walking back to the Ranger.
About 9.5 miles and 2200 feet of elevation gain - Just another great day in the San Gabriels.

Trailhead on Big Dalton Road.

The winter grasses are starting to flourish, I also saw a couple deer on the opposite side of this canyon.

Looking up Punkout trail at Peak 2760. This meets the road/trail just below the summit.

View from the summit of 2760.

Right about here I put on the spikes, when I was coming down some of this was turning to slush.

Going up the firebreak along the side of 3397. It seemed like this is covered in grasses so not much of a break any more.

First tracks on the summit! Obviously I couldn't find a benchmark here either.

The trail is rather overgrown in places, and trees are growing horizontally across in others. What is the protocol for clearing?

Looking down at the bottom of Poopout, the loose dirt makes for an interesting downhill trek. It's better to do this one uphill.

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I found this at CalTopo while looking for an elevation profile, it's the exact route I took with Punkout and Poopout. Placed there by Sean......
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Post by Anthony »

Looked like a nice outing! I too have found Dan Simpson's site helpful.
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Post by Sean »

JeffH wrote: The trail is rather overgrown in places, and trees are growing horizontally across in others. What is the protocol for clearing?
Thanks for the report. I would sometimes carry a folding saw and cut the overhanging branches at the joints, to leave a clean, pruned look. Then toss the light debris downhill so it doesn't get blown onto the trail. Heavy branches can be left along the outside downslope to provide trailbed support, if needed.
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Post by JeffH »

Thanks, I've thought about bringing my compact loppers on some of these treks.

btw, is that your route posted on CalTopo?
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Post by Sean »

JeffH wrote: btw, is that your route posted on CalTopo?
Must be. That's a route I've done and probably shared on CalTopo years ago.
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Post by JeffH »

One more pic from the trail, I found the remnants of this animal, looks like it was skinned and everything else left behind.
"Argue for your limitations and sure enough they're yours".
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