Peaks in Collins Valley. Square Top left, Collins Benchmark the high point in the middle.
Easy going in the canyon
Starting up the ridge
False summit passed on the right
Summit area in view
Palms BM and Elder BM, visited in 2018
Richard Carey and Shelley Rogers placed the register in 2017. No other sigs in it.
I upgraded the container with this ammo box
I flaked out a 40m rope and got a good throw over the summit block on the first try. There is a huge drop off on the other side. There were one or two boulders that might have worked but I found an bomber 6" diameter tree about 90' below the summit block. Back on top, I used two Prusiks to ascend the rope. I'm not sure this block can be climbed without aid because it is basically glued kitty litter, coming apart wherever it was touched. I was delighted to reach the summit and straddle the block. It was only about 2' wide where the rope went over and the weight of the rope on the far side exerted a small tug on me. I didn't want to stand up. The block got a little wider toward the pointy end. I took a few photos with my phone before connecting my belay device to rappel. The return trip was uneventful. It was only a six hour effort, but a big solo achievement for me.
Summit is up there

Going up

Sitting on the block

The anchor side

Ascent side
Elder North has teeth

These people were falling from the sky over Borrego Springs