Archived TRs for ranges in California.
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Girl Hiker
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Post by Girl Hiker »

After bagging Lassen Peak 5 of us left the group and headed off to Brokeoff Mountain Trailhead which is located a short distance before entering the Visitor Center.
This is a very beautiful trail but has more distance and gain than Lassen. However, the gain is gradual and not very steep.
First glance at the summit.
I had my first bear encounter being all alone on the trail because 2 friends were ahead of me with 2 slower hikers behind me that were not in sight. It's a good thing my friend gave me a walkie-talkie. As I was approaching the switchback, I noticed a huge bear on the trail, near some bushes. Not sure on the distance but close enough where I could see how big he was. Safety is always first, so I warned my friends that he was headed in their direction, then I made lots of noise screaming and hitting my poles on a rock. Suddenly, he arose and looked at me. at that moment all I could think about was my fresh Subway sandwich that I was carrying in my backpack and that he probably smelled it. I didn't make any sudden moves but slowly grabbed my car keys, just in case he decided to come to my direction and I was prepared to drop the pack. He looked at me, then I continued to make more noise. Finally, he darted off in the opposite direction. Wheewwwww! I managed to get a picture of his big ass! One of my friends jokingly replied to me on the walkie-talkie saying, "Before he attacks you make sure you get a picture!" Well, that was the last thing on my mind.
Not a good shot but I took this picture as he was darting off.
The rest of the trail was very beautiful with some fall colors.

Final push to the summit.

Summit Pose.
Lassen Pk in the background.

Stats: 8 miles r/t 3000' gain.
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Post by Sean »

Girl Hiker wrote:I managed to get a picture of his big ass!
Looks more like bigFOOT.
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