Cabin Flat overnight loop from Vincent Gap - trip report and photos

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by headsizeburrito »

As mentioned last week, I wanted to do an overnight for a gear shakedown before a week long backpacking trip in Alaska next month. We ended up starting at Vincent Gap, going down Vincent Gulch to Prairie Fork, and camping at Cabin Flat. The next day we continued east up Prairie Fork past Lupine Camp, up the road to Guffy, then back to Vincent Gap via the PCT. Trip was very pleasant and nothing terribly exciting happened, but I figured I'd share some photos for a general condition report. I'd never been in Vincent Gulch or Prairie Fork before, so it was nice to see something new.

Gear all worked out well, though I'm 95% a daytripper and car camper, so my base weight will make the ultralighters cry. I was also trying to pack basically the same stuff I'll be carrying in AK, so I had much more clothing and a heavier sleeping bag than I needed for this trip. To simulate additional food for a longer trip, I carried a six pack of beer. Here is my Lighterpack page for those who are into that sort of thing.

I got off work Saturday morning and took a short nap at home, so we didn't exactly get an early start. We arrived at Vincent Gap and started hiking close to noon. The parking lot was mostly full and we saw a decent number of PCT thru hikers hanging around the benches under the trees, either looking for a ride into town or just taking a break before starting the climb up Baden Powell.

Here is the view looking towards Prairie Fork and we started down Vincent Gulch trail.


The trail down is in good shape and pretty well shaded, here is the flow once we reached the bottom.


A little plant tucked in among the rocks. We saw three or four people in the upper section, but after the trail reached the water, we didn't see anyone else the rest of the day.


The trail once you reach the water is a little spotty, but basically just follows the stream. Eventually we reached the junction with Prairie Fork, the old sign is still there and the trail starts out actually looking like a trail. I was hoping we'd pass the old building and plane wreck down there, but either we walked right past it or it is a little further down.


Some nice lupine here and there along the way.


The trail up Prairie Fork more or less disappears pretty quickly, though you can occasionally find traces or cairns. It generally looks like this.


Or this.


Or this. Once in a while there is some moderate but fairly short bushwhacking, sometimes with thorny bushes or yucca to keep your attention.


Stumbled on this old survey marker a mile or so out from Cabin Flat on what may have been an old road long ago.


The wilderness boundary next to the remnants of the old trail just before entering Cabin Flat.

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Post by headsizeburrito »

The old toilets at Cabin Flat, still with vintage metal seats.


Largest available campsite we found walking the old road that loops around. Unfortunately this was apparently the party spot, as it was full of trash all over the ground. Not a very pleasant spot as a result.


This nice spot was on the eastern end of the loop, a little more tucked away, and basically trash free except for a few things in the fire pit. We stopped here and started setting up a little after 6pm.


A nice blooming yucca looking east towards Pine Mountain.


Fine dining. FLAVOR BLASTED.


Pleasant sunset looking towards Vincent Gap. Usually when I'm camping I'm much further from population centers, it took me a second to realize why I wasn't seeing many stars once it got dark. Still nice and secluded even with the light pollution.


Day one GPS track and stats.


After packing up the next morning, we joined the old road to continue up Prairie Fork. From the road above Cabin Flat you can see how brushy and overgrown it is since it's hasn't been maintained in ages. I'm quite surprised it's still listed online actually. The road between Cabin Flat and Lupine Camp is in pretty rough shape. A decent off road vehicle would be fine, but it's pretty bumpy and there are large rocks and downed trees in places.


This isn't a great view of Lupine Camp, but here it is anyway. It was very nice, we arrived around 10am and it didn't look like anyone had been there the night before. I'm glad we stayed at Cabin Flat because I liked our little tucked in space compared to the larger open area here, but it is a very nice campground and was in good shape. The toilet I looked at even had newfangled plastic seats and lids!


Snow Plant near the campground

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Post by headsizeburrito »

I wanted to check out Columbine Spring just above Lupine Camp, here is the tank partway up. It was damp inside but empty.


Modest but steady flow from Columbine Spring up above the tank.


Saw this new looking sign as we left Lupine Camp. I don't think I've seen them before, it's different colored plastic sandwiched together with the lettering cut out. Kind of neat and should be quite durable to anything short of vandals...


The road past Lupine is in very good shape overall. Where it crosses the main wash would be a little iffy in a passenger car, but other than that there were no washouts or big ruts. The upper section did have some rockfall that could be partly dodged and partly moved by hand, but would be rather time consuming. We had two dirt bikes come down the road on our way up, our first people of the day. The way up is a pretty good climb, but has rewarding views of Pine Ridge and Pine Mountain. Near the top we saw a little Acura trying to drive down with one guy driving and one moving rocks out of the way, they gave up pretty quick and we saw them turn around. Shortly after a jeep drove down, they would have been fine but for whatever reason also turned around fairly quickly.


Once we reached Guffy and joined the PCT things got a bit lively. There are a lot of thru hikers passing through the area right now, we had to tell people that despite our big packs we were just out for the weekend. One guy was offering rides into Wrightwood and other people had a sign on the trail promising trail magic, presumably in the form of treats. We also passed several caches of water jugs set out for people. Lots of happy hikers and positive vibes. Great views along this section of the trail as usual.


The last section before you reach your endpoint is always the longest, and I was certainly feeling the weight of my pack by the end of the day. I haven't carried that much weight in a long time! We planned on offering rides and my remaining beer to any thru hikers at Vincent Gap who could use them, but it was late enough in the day that it was pretty much cleared out by the time we got there. Presumably everyone had either gone into town or gone up to Baden Powell and beyond. In any case we were happy to take off our heavy packs!

Along with five or six balloons, a couple beverage containers, and an old cigarette pack, I also found and carried out a doggie backpack. Here is a photo to save Dima the trouble of asking for one!


Day two route and stats.


All in all a very nice weekend. Fun to see some new areas and have a whole semi abandoned campground to ourselves. Also fun to see all the happy thru hikers on day two. First time actually sleeping in the SGs for me, so that was nice too. My new sleeping pad did the job!
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Post by Sean »

Still gotta get my butt to Cabin Flat. Was the gate to Lupine from Blue Ridge open?
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Post by headsizeburrito »

We rejoined the trail from the road via a little connector before the gate, so I didn't actually see it. I assume it was open since we saw two vehicles drive partway down as we were hiking up the road.
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Post by Pat »

We did this trip in reverse last year with our Scouts, Blue Ridge-Fish Fork-Jackson Flat. Photo links seem to be broken. Edit: Links fixed in new reply.

The wilderness sign is basically where they moved the "trail" head after abandoning the jeep trail. When you're walking into Cabin Flats, just before the little clearing with the wilderness sign, the old marker for the jeep road is laying in the brush where the road used to branch off.
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Post by JeffH »

Fun story here, looks like you had great weather too.
Toss some olive oil into the mountain house meals to raise the calorie content. The goldfish look tasty!
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Donald Shimoda
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