Bare Mountain - HPS Route #1

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Uncle Rico
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Post by Uncle Rico »

Bare has been on my radar for awhile and with the cooler temps this past weekend, Sunday seemed like the perfect time to go.

The drive up ACH was uneventful. The typical white-knuckle experience as bullet bikes screamed closely by at dangerously high speeds. Along Santa Clara Divide Road, the brush has really been cleared around the stretch just before and after Eaton Camp. Place looks like a war zone. There were a few campers at Bandido, a couple of cars at the entrance to Horse Flats, no one at Rosenita Saddle, and no one at Alder Saddle.

I parked near Pinyon Flat at a turn out just up from the gate and started up the PCT following HPS Route #1. At a flat area maybe a couple hundred yards up the trail, I veered right, crossed the low drainage, and started the moderate climb up the ridge. There are two ridges here. They both probably get you to where you're going, but I ascended the more northerly ridge as the travel looked easier. I saw a few cairns along the way and followed a faint use path so I knew I was going the right way.

The ridge leading to Pt. 6168
1_Ridge Leading to Pt. 6168.JPG

Looking back down the ridge. The PCT is center right.

3_Looking Back Down Ridge to Rock Creek Road.JPG

At Pt. 6168 I saw one of Sean's triangular signs (pic posted in the thread that collects images of these). The summit area was flat and clear and provided a good view of PVR, Winston Ridge, Pt. 6306, Winston Peak, Mt. Waterman, and the obvious firebreak out to Bare Mountain. Like the ridge leading up to 6168, travel along the firebreak was easy and navigation obvious. There's a short and stout climb to reach the junction with HPS Route #2 at about 6100' but other than that, the firebreak was an enjoyable walk. At the junction with HPS Route #2, there is another triangular sign (pic also in the thread devoted to triangular signs).

The Winston Ridge

7_Winston Ridge.JPG

Bare Mountain and the firebreak leading out to it.

10_Bare Mountain from Pt. 6168.JPG

Little Rock Creek Reservoir.
16_Little Rock Creek Reservoir from Pt. 6168.JPG

From the junction with HPS Route #2, it's an easy stroll out to Bare. There, I signed the register, snapped some pics, had myself a cool one, and enjoyed the solitude. On the way back, I followed HPS Route #2 back to Pinyon Flat re-joining 5N04.4 near the old shooting area. I found travel along this route far less enjoyable than HPS #1.

Hauled out about a dozen mylar balloons and 7-8 aluminum cans. Cut myself on one trying to jam it into my pack stuffed with mylar balloons so I probably need a tetanus shot now. Lol.

Pts. 6147 and 6306
20_Pt. 6306 with PVR in Rearground.JPG

Dead Tree Saddle
29_Dead Tree Saddle from Bare Mountain.JPG

Final stretch to summit of Bare

22_Zoom of Bare Mountain.JPG

Obligatory summit shot

28_Modern Times on Bare Mountain.JPG
Summit Register with recognizable entries
36_Summit Register Entry - Sean and Cecelia.JPG
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Post by Sean »

I recall hauling out lots of containers from Bare when I went too. Must be a popular hangout for drunken litterbugs. It's a nice spot though. I like being able to see all the nooks and crannies of the ridges and canyons due to the minimal vegetation in that area. It creates a sort of otherworldly atmosphere.
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Girl Hiker
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Post by Girl Hiker »

Nice Report. This was one of my favorite trails. I love all the ups and downs of the trail and I believe on this trail we saw a really cool horny toad or maybe that was Sean lmao!
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Post by Sean »

Girl Hiker wrote:I believe on this trail we saw a really cool horny toad or maybe that was Sean lmao!
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Post by tekewin »

Here is a Bare update going up route #2 and down and extended version of route #1.

Met some friendly bow hunters on the way in. The register you signed was replaced in 2022 and doesn't have a lot of entries yet. I found the triangle marker half way up route #2, but I didn't see one on P6168 on route #1. Maybe I missed it, though it was pretty open on top. I continued over 6168 and stayed on the firebreak to 6068. From there, it was a 100' drop on an open ridge to the PCT. I think I avoided some brush on the ridge from 6168.

along route #2

There was small area enclosed in chicken wire on the summit. I didn't find anything of interest inside. Still scratching my head about that. Views were pretty nice to the desert, Pacifico, and Waterman.

Chicken wire?

Pleasant View Ridge, Will Thrall, and I think that's Throop way in the back

Looking back at Bare Mountain along route #1

I could not resist stopping to climb a random class 3 boulder pile on Santa Clara Divide road.


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