EisPiraten's Hike to Waterman Mountain

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by Sean »

I arrived at Three Points a little early, around 7:30am, and got my gear together. It was a beautiful morning. The air still seemed a bit chilly, but the clear, sunny sky promised to warm my bones eventually.

Madison was the next to arrive. We shared stories about which sort of vehicular swarm passed us along the highway. For Madison it was Porsches. For me it was motorcycles.

We thought for a moment that we might be the only two people on this hike, but then a man we did not recognize approached and introduced himself as David, who writes trip reports here using the member name "David R." And accompanying David was his son, Ari, who looked like a solid hiker like his father.

I handed out the last of my forum stickers to Madison and David. Then the four of us hit the Three Points trail around 8:15am. We very quickly encountered a hunter intently peering across the gully for prey.


David suggested that we ascend the West ridge route to Waterman instead of descending it later on as planned. I explained that I would be slower ascending it. Everyone was cool with me dragging even more ass than usual, so up the ridge we went.

Periodically the others would find a nice spot to wait and let me catch up.


Then I could sneak a quick picture of them before they disappeared out of sight again.


More hunters quietly wandered the ridge with rifles slung over their shoulders. I heard shots ring out, sometimes three or four in succession. We considered these guys to be more serious hunters who actually hike some distance to find a deer, rather than the type who sit at the top of Glendora Ridge Road and hope something hops into their truck bed.

The West Ridge of Waterman is a classic route with big trees to rest under and big rocks to play upon. Mostly the scrambling is easy. And there is a well-worn use trail much of the way.

Around noon we all met up at the Waterman summit and took a group photo.


I was starving and needed a lunch break. David explained how he rarely feels hungry on a hike, whereas I often starve myself so that I can eat on the summit. I'm pretty sure Madison had lunch too. But Ari might have just been snacking on peanuts.

David showed us a XC shortcut to the Three Points trail on the south slopes of Waterman. This saved us some roundabout mileage on the way back.


Then David and Ari had to race back to the car because they had to be somewhere. After they said goodbye and jogged down the trail, Madison and I took our sweet time returning to the car. The trail was in much better shape than I remember it from a couple years ago. Many fallen trees that once blocked the path have been cut and moved out of the way.

We finally reached the cars mid-afternoon. Madison had IPA beers ready, and that was a great treat after a great hike. Thanks guys!
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David R
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Post by David R »

Had good time would do it again, rated 11/10. The trail to Three Points is now perfect for trail running, loved it except for stepping in the black muckity muck near the swampy area. Saw another motorcyclist who had just gone down as we drove by, right at the junction with Big TJ, lots of emergency vehicles coming up.
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Uncle Rico
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Post by Uncle Rico »

Ok, sorry, but I'm gonna have to post these pics in a series of posts. Our new Tapatalk overlords apparently hate me and won't allow me to post multiple pics in one post.
DavidR and his boy Ari
DavidR and his boy Ari
Conclave on Waterman's west ridge
Conclave on Waterman's west ridge
Smells like...victory
Smells like...victory
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Uncle Rico
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Post by Uncle Rico »

Waterman's west ridge
Waterman's west ridge
Winston Ridge and PVR
Winston Ridge and PVR
DavidR on the ridge
DavidR on the ridge
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Uncle Rico
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Post by Uncle Rico »

It dawns on me that maybe I'm just inept at posting in this brave new Tapatalk world. Anyhoo, more pics.
West Twins' SW ridge. Tasty.
West Twins' SW ridge. Tasty.
Along the ridge
Along the ridge
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Uncle Rico
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Post by Uncle Rico »

DavidR and Ari on Waterman's summit block
DavidR and Ari on Waterman's summit block
DavidR's "secret" route off Waterman's south slope. Ok, it's really not that secret
DavidR's "secret" route off Waterman's south slope. Ok, it's really not that secret
Cucmonaga Man coming down the secret route
Cucmonaga Man coming down the secret route
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Post by dima »

Look fun! Next time I'll will myself out of bed in the morning, and come with.
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Post by Sean »

Beautiful pictures, Uncle Rico! There might be a MB size limit per post. I couldn't find a relevant setting in the Admin panel. Maybe it's set by Tapatalk.
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Girl Hiker
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Post by Girl Hiker »

haha you didn't find the benchmark!
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Post by Sean »

girlhiker70 wrote: haha you didn't find the benchmark!
Remind me to take you to Markeraholic's Anonymous one of these days.
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