Mike P, as you're troubleshooting, a few other possibilities:
-- remove spaces from image link
-- avoid special characters in image link
-- shorten length of image link
-- verify image source allows linked viewing (I've had trouble with Google Picasa, so I move target to different host)
-- check syntax, for example: "" or "[]"; "url" or "img" or "link";
Sign up for Photobucket, or one of the other photo hosting sites. Then, when you have the URL/Link of a photo you want to post, put [img] brackets around it.
scv87 wrote: I hate to admit it but I need help posting pics. I'm always on my iPhone and the attach file never works.
To save space, the Forum's gallery won't accept pictures that are much over 1MB in size. You need to reduce the size of your photos before trying to upload them via the "Attach File" link. I don't use an iPhone, but I found this blog that suggests using an app called "Shrink My Pictures." Using the high compression setting will probably get your files to under 1MB each and then you can upload those to your report here. Once you're done with the report, you can then delete the Shrink My Pictures copies so they don't take up space on your iPhone.
If that doesn't work, let us know. We can explore other options.