A couple years ago I read through Dan Simpson's hiking blog. An entry for Summit 2843 stuck in my mind all this time, because I thought he had a cool name for it: Sentinel Peak. His blog describes the entire hike in detail, so I'll make this report short and sweet.
Willie and I parked at the Silver Fish Rd. early this morning. We had the trail to ourselves and watched steam float up from the wet, sun-kissed canyon.
Another fine feature of the day proved to be the band of clouds encircling us the whole time.
We also saw a couple fresh spider webs which glistened in the dawn light.
The overgrown brush on Silver Fish Road was still very wet from the cold night. I knocked most of the dew droplets off the branches with my hiking pole before passing through the vegetation.
We also contended with a few ticks. One of which followed me home to my shower.
The stream made lots of noise in Water Canyon. We could see a small waterfall by peering through a tree.
It took a couple hours to reach the summit.
We ate some breakfast with a splendid, clear view that stretched all the way to Baldy. Then we came down the steep ridge route. At the road gate we encountered a couple Sheriff's SAR officers driving ATVs.
They were scouting the road to check its viability for use in potential future rescues in the area.
Silver Fish Road to Sentinel Peak
An unnamed one that drops into Robert Canyon. Called it quits when we reached the top of the ridge. It was very hot and it took a very long time to follow the road. Had we followed the leaky trail that shoots up the ridge past the water tank, we would've saved much time.