new kids on the block

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by scottawr »

Before the recent storms and snow on baldy I got the chance to take my 3 1/2 year old and my lady up Mt. Baldy. I've been up a bunch of time but they were on their first summit attempts.

We started out after breakfast up the skit hut trail William was bundled up in a couple jackets and a beanie it was in the low 50's but it was warming up as the sunlight started to hit the trail. I use an osprey baby carrier packed with the ten essentials, water, snacks and some small toys and activities for him in case he gets bored(never does) it can weight up to 70Lbs but that day it was about 65 he weighs like 30somthin pounds.

we made it to the ski hut about 2 hours later stopping for snacks and to let him run around a stretch his legs. he wanted to use the green house toilet which was the highlight of the trip for him until he smelt it...

our hiking party was ready to move on so I had William walk across the boulder field to the base of the slope. I carried him up the slope to the top of the ridge.

I was exhausted when we reached the top of the ridge I let him out of the pack to run around some more. he was full of energy any time i let him walk around, he definitely wasn't feeling any ill effects of the altitude. after some snacks it was back in the pack and up the incline to the summit.

we ran into some baldy regulars and said Hi on the way up. I was glad to stop hiking as many times as possible to catch my breath. eventually the torture stopped and I saw the summit. I got William out of the backpack and had him walk he last 200yds because i couldn't carry him anymore.

he walked up to the summit plaque as the 10-15 people at the summit cheered him on and clapped for him! he thought he won something.

successful day for our hiking party, 3 first time summiters and a ton of fun had!

we descended via the backbone and i took my time knowing my legs and knees were holding a bunch of extra weight and it would be real easy to roll and ankle.

not sure where we will go next... any sugestions?

William has quite the impressive peakbagging list for a 3 year old. he has been to.
baden powell

San Gabriel/Disappointment/Lowe

south hawkins and Islip a few times

full list
San Gabriels- Baldy, Baden Powell,Timber, Waterman, Krakta Ridge, San Gabriel, Disappointment, Lowe, Mooney, Devils, Sunset.

Santa Anas- Los Pinos, Trabuco, Bedford, Sugarloaf, san mateo, sitton, boyscout.

Yosemite- Lembert dome

Anza Borrego- Ghost mountain
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Post by _kick_rocks_ »

dude awesome! Congrats on the another good summit and glad you didn't roll an ankle
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Post by tekewin »

Worthy accomplishment for everyone!

He might like Mt. Wilson.
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Uncle Rico
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Post by Uncle Rico »


Best summit pic ever!
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Post by AW~ »

Uncle Rico wrote: Best summit pic ever!
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Post by solar »

Great trip report, I'm a new dad, so this is inspiring.

I got a few questions:

How old was your son when you began taking him hiking at altitude?

How do you like the osprey carrier? I love osprey packs, I'm sure this one is great, what do you think?

Any other hiking with kids advice?
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Girl Hiker
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Post by Girl Hiker »

Nice Report!
I agree with Uncle Rico. That pic of you tossing your son up in the air is great!
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Post by scottawr »

thanks everyone!


I started him in the pack on short hikes when he was about 6-7 months old.

higher elevations 7-8000ft I waited until he was a year and a half or so. look up what elevation sickness looks like and pay attention to things like blue lips. comfort and fun is always #1 even if it means not making my silly goals.

we took him on a camping trip to the sierras at 3yrs and he did really well walking and hiking in places like Yosemite and some higher eastern sierra stuff(10k) he didn't seem to be affected by the elevation too much. i'm always asking him how he is feeling and forcing water/juices on him.

the osprey pack is great. i hear they have made some new additions from the one i have.
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Post by solar »

Thanks for the info, much appreciated.

Loved the "toss the kid" picture. Family goals, haha!
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Post by JeffH »

What an awesome day! I'll agree with Rico and others, great summit shot.
"Argue for your limitations and sure enough they're yours".
Donald Shimoda
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