Darn Tough Vermont Merino Wool Socks

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Post by HikingGeek.com »

Since the end of August, I've been using these socks on all of my hikes. I’ve also worn them 3+ days per week, wearing them to work, the gym and around the house over the last 3 months.

One thing that really sets these socks apart from the competition is their warranty:

"If you were able to wear out a pair of Darn Tough socks, we’ll replace them. At any time. Just package the socks up, fill out the form, and send to the appropriate address—we will send you a brand new pair!"

Here is my detailed review:

Gear Review: Darn Tough Vermont Merino Wool Socks
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Post by sesshin »

Have to try these. My thorlos keeping getting holes in the soles.
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Post by JeffH »

I've worn these for a couple of years now. I go for the hiker 1/4 cushion and they are still very comfortable. Love the warranty, that was a factor in getting them the first time. Yes, 17 dollars is a lot for a single pair of socks but you will never have to pay it again.
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Post by HikingGeek.com »

Yup, their warranty is great. In posting my review on social media, people have told me they've done things like get their socks too close to a campfire, or left them out and had their dogs chew holes in them. DT has replaced them regardless.
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