Hiking or Snowshoeing, Nov 27-29

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Post by HikingGeek.com »

Hiking or Snowshoeing, Nov 27-29

I am looking for some suggestions for hiking or snowshoeing, anywhere from the Lone Pine Area up to Tioga Pass.

Here's a link to some of the hikes I did last winter, to give you an idea of what I've done:

We are experienced with winter hiking and snowshoeing and have our own winter gear, including snowshoes, crampons, ice axes, etc.

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Post by HikingGeek.com »

I've posted my tentative itinerary here and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions, particularly regarding what we should do Friday afternoon and Sunday morning: http://www.hikinggeek.com/2015/11/24/tr ... er-hiking/

Friday: I'm leaving the Riverside area around 11 AM and I'd like to find a short hike between home and Mammoth that would have a nice vantage point for sunset (4:30). Riverside is about 3 hrs from Lone Pine, 4 hours from Bishop, 5 hrs from Mammoth. Any suggestions?

Sunday: I'm hoping to get out with snowshoes for 3-5 hours. We could go somewhere in Mammoth or anywhere south along the 395. It would be nice to find something with a nice view for sunrise.If I stay in Mammoth, ideally I'd head out early, then be able to get back to the hotel by 9 AM to pack up and checkout. It may be possible to pack up, check out, then hike, but I'd need to convince the rest of the group to join me in that case. We do have some time restrictions we'd like to be in Lone Pine by 1 PM at the latest. Any suggestions?
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Tom Kenney
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Post by Tom Kenney »

Depends on desired viewing direction.

You could try Mazourka Cyn/Peak out of Independence. Should have some snow. Also, Harkless Flat near the start of Saline Valley Rd. It might be possible to drive as far as Grandview CG in the Whites, or at least far enough you can try an easy lower peak in that area.

The Buttermilks up by Bishop would be nice. Anything on the east Sierra proper might be a bit gnarly with unconsolidated snow, or just too far for a quick jaunt to view the sunset. The Goodale Creek area between Independence and Big Pine is kinda neat. Many cinder cones, and (snow permitting) you can drive fairly close to the base of the Sierra at a place that's relatively easy but steep hiking.

There is a spot before Lone Pine that might have enough snow also. West of Coso Jct/Fossil Falls, there is a trail that leads from the aqueduct road up into the Sierra south of Olancha Peak. It's a fairly easy grade, and has great views east out over the desert. Well-defined trail would make it easy for an eve/night return.
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Sitting Bull
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Is High Sierra Topix your forum?
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