Hikers lost then rescued by helicopter near Baldy

Rescues, fires, weather, roads, trails, water, etc.
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Post by hvydrt »

Saw this in the paper today. Where is Good Canyon?
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Post by AlanK »

I believe that Ali Aminian's body was found in good Canyon back in January 2004. It is east of the Bear Flat trail in the area of the narrows.
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Post by Taco »

Yup, the canyon that the Hellcats crash site is in. It divides Baldy from West Baldy, up on the summit plateau.
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Post by Tim »

I also thought it was this canyon but was unsure since it's not named on the topo. I've heard of people missing the turned off from the west ridge to the bowl and descending all the way down this canyon to Mt. Baldy Rd. These guys were at 8500 ft so they weren't that far down from the turn off. They must have realized they were lost and decided to stay put.
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