Mountain Home Flats Trip/Marijuana Report

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Post by Hikin_Jim »

I went to Mountain Home Flats near the San Gorgonio Wilderness last Friday. The water in the creek was flowing. Not super well, but decent.

The trail itself has a lot of slidey scree, which is no big deal if you're used to it and know how to walk on it, but it would be pretty unnerving to anyone not used to it since you traverse across some fairly steep slopes.

There are two spots that are a little dicey where the trail traverses across rocky cliffs. The trail gets down to basically only as wide as your foot at one point, but it's only for a couple of feet. It's quite passable for an experienced hiker.

I found some black irrigation hoses up there, presumably from a marijuana grow operation, but people tell me the operation was busted a couple of years ago, and that the hoses are old.

The trailhead is no longer signed and is a little difficult to find if you haven't been before. See my Interactive San Gorgonio Wilderness Map for location (yes, the Mountain Home Flats Trail is just outside the wilderness, but sheesh, close enough).

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Post by tkane »

There is a large Marijuana grow site in Cow canyon that I found and have been cleaning up....propane tanks, camo clothing ,sleeping bags, many cans of Spam, etc, enough to live on site for months...then abandoned after harvest. Hopefully the Mtn home flats grow has been cleaned up a little. It sucks to find these operations in what I thought was a pristine canyon....!
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