Punchdrunk(Devils Punchbowl) non-techincal version 11/24/14

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by AW~ »

Revisited this area...and as to whether or not this is monument territory the LA county flag still flies so.....Burkhardt trail to the ridge that spilts Devils Chair from Punchbowl canyon 2.5 miles - 1 hour. I remembered this ridge being easy travel, but it certainly was not this time since apparently my mistake was not to stay left on the ridge. Or my memory is faulty LOL. After a couple of tries at descending, I just descending the easy way down the ridge into the wash below. Explored the tributaries a short bit, final one being the drainage below Devils Chair. The sun was out hot, but a lot of this place was shaded. Then I head downstream to Punchbowl canyon, which was a breeze. Goes all the way downstream until the faults are still buried in the hills, gradually being exposed.Then up Punchbowl canyon back to the parking lot, which was a bit more navigationally challenging. I did get to see one of the "arches" rumoured to be around, but it was like a 7ft gap at best.

Headed back up the trail, and there were a few teens checking out the 300ft climbing wall. Specifically, they were headed up a small exposed fin to a resting spot about 100ft above ground. The lead guy who claimed he knew what he was doing and "Im wearing hiking shoes is why its easier(to climb)", was trying to get the 2 higher, but the girl who was 2nd in line was beset in fear. Then the lead guy chides her for being a chicken and "its so easy". She wouldnt budge :D and the other dude last in line was like I didnt like this to begin with.

Looking down the ridge into la-la land before departing.

Tributary coming from Devils Chair

Close to Devils Chair, hiding from the blinding sunlight.

Wash/Drainage travel


Countless times where you could just go up into la-la land at the lower elevations. If you were to climb up one of these, they would lead to a much bigger challenge(potentially)

This guy is the eastern wall of Punchbowl canyon falls, right where the fin in the center reaches the ground.

Teens on narrow slab

Best christmas tree in the gabes? The monks locale/retreat as seen from Pallet Creek road.
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Post by Taco »

Neato. Good to see AW outings. 8)
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Post by Sean »

Thanks for the report. I'm planning a trip to the Punchbowl. This will come in handy. BTW - I hate it when people disrespect other hikers for being afraid of hard climbs. Fear is a difficult thing to overcome sometimes. And developing the right skills is not automatic.
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