Robert and I took a hike down Eaton Cyn. He's pretty new to canyoneering and whatnot so he wanted to go have fun in this cool place before it's 'closed'. Conditions were real dry with loads of frogs, toe-biters, Water Boatmen, and other critters. Not a whole lot to say, just took it easy and casual and had a good time. Spent 8 hours in there. It's more tiring than doing it fast, believe it or not.
20140729 by TacoDelRio, on Flickr
Here we can see how mega smart Robert is, for he is wearing the San Gabriel Mountains secret weapon. Playing with his new stove and making some tea.
20140729 by TacoDelRio, on Flickr
Drunk filter
20140729 by TacoDelRio, on Flickr
His face when I told him the anchor was in the process of failing.
20140729 by TacoDelRio, on Flickr
Wildman jump
Thanks for chillin', thug. 8)
20140729 Eaton Canyon Before Closure
According to the news, signs went up today. Warnings for a while, then $5,000 fine, and six months jail. The police state keeps expanding. I wonder if homeland security, (the national police state.. I mean force) will come in with the sharp shooters, black helicopters, and tanks.
It's the lowest I've ever seen it. There are several completely dry sections in the canyon where it doesn't even appear above ground.
Now it's closed forever. THANKS OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111eleventeen
Now it's closed forever. THANKS OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111eleventeen
January, Feb, of 2011, you couldn't cross the water down at Walnut Canyon shortcut. That's about .7 miles below the bridge. In the winter of 2004-2005, I watched Mt. Wilson toll road get washed out, as it happened. Some True idiots walked out to the bridge to see the water. They got stuck as the mountainside between the st. and the bridge began slipping away. That's the moment they closed the area for a while. I could hear boulders the size of small cars moving. In the winter of 1966, or 67? when it rained for 40 days, and forty nights, and washed away the restaurant and New York Dr. extension,is when they decided to fix the reservoir. Now? I just saw the video of the gal that slipped on razorback a few days ago. There is a shot of the waterfall. By far the lowest I have ever seen also. It looks like a couple garden hoses. Sometime soon it will rain heavy for a while, and snow in the upper areas...... and it will be hard to cross again for a few weeks. It comes and goes over the years. Meanwhile the water district will give anyone $2.00 per sq. foot to take out your lawn and replace it with low water stuff.