Saw this on 3/31/2014 on a nondescript peak

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Post by blueshammer »

Can anyone guess the location?

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Post by HikeUp »

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Post by blueshammer »

HikeUp wrote: Hastings.
I'm amazed you were able to pinpoint the peak from just looking at a few rocks -- that is, unless you were the culprit responsible for leaving that two-word message behind!
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Post by HikeUp »

If you've been to Hastings as many times as I have then you'd recognize that rock (the one with the benchmark on it - not the rabbit droppings scattered about on top of it).

You'd also know that the devil himself likes that trail.
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Post by VermillionPearlGirl »

Just doing Sam Merrill to Echo one morning recently, I noticed someone had etched "Fight On" in the dirt in several places. Lots of Trojans in them hills evidently.
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Post by HikeUp »

VermillionPearlGirl wrote: Lots of Trojans in them hills evidently.
Perhaps, but there is no trojan fan that is as obnoxious as ol' FO.
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Uncle Rico
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Post by Uncle Rico »

I noticed someone had etched "Fight On" in the dirt in several places.
Someone has their identity and self-worth linked entirely too closely to their virtual alter ego.
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Post by lilbitmo »

Uncle Rico wrote:
I noticed someone had etched "Fight On" in the dirt in several places.
Someone has their identity and self-worth linked entirely too closely to their virtual alter ego.
He (Greg Suvias) tries to hide behind the curtain and throw stones at people for things he finds unacceptable in others, yet upon close inspection he does himself on a regular basis. Let's take for instance the tirade he put up about this same hike that he put up on other board There he attempts to "throw stones" at the members of this board, in an almost humorous way by showing a short film/picture clip of his heroic effort to right a wrong, by removing "thrash" in this case a sticker that was on a metal pole. That same pole was removed by him, carried down the mountain and with great effort he inscribed said onto said pole with the "school mantra", then carried back up the mountain and placed that same pole back in the ground in the approximate location it was found.

His point is lost on me, first of all the pole is trash, second what kind of person things that people want to see any kind of "tagging" on that trash, is that less trashy?

Thirdly, there's a reason he's only posting on that other board, his attacks on other board members were of such vigorous nature that he made it uncomfortable for current board members to enjoy the exchange of ideas and I'm not sure about this point but it goes along those same lines his trolling made it uncomfortable for new members to want to join either of those boards.

Everyone has the right to express themselves in that unique way that is "them" and at some level I think Greg would like others to think he's intelligent, funny, likeable but bullying others with tirade's and playing little games with everyone is like the exhausting child, after a while you ask them to go sit in the corner and have quiet time, which in this case Taco did on this board and Perry and others did on the San Jacinto Board and I'm sure it will only be a matter of time before the folks at the San Gorgonio Wilderness Association Board realize he's not there to share/exchange positive helpful information, on the contrary he's all about promoting his view of what everyone else is doing wrong and what he's doing right and that silly school mantra (which has nothing to do with hiking - please go find a discussion board that needs more members that want to be "cheerleaders" those gators in the picture you are wearing will do just fine to become a member) and they will remove him from that board as well.

I personally will pray that you seek help or learn to play nice with others. I think deep down you really want to be normal but have decided like a child that it's easier to get attention by being an instigator, but that's alright we see you, we pity you and we've seen this before. I'll have some respect for you when you put your own name up on summit registers, stamp your own name on (trash) poles in the wilderness and try to help people with positive information on these discussion boards.

Until then, I think Taco was onto something when he asked Mitch to make the stickers that we leave for others to join this board that have the hyperlink and a statement on each. I think the name on the one you recently removed has your true identity on it:

I think you are the "Big Ass Ham"
that should be your mantra it fits you well
Does anyone recognize Greg's hand? :wink: :roll:
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Ze Hiker
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Post by Ze Hiker »

blueshammer wrote:
HikeUp wrote: Hastings.
I'm amazed you were able to pinpoint the peak from just looking at a few rocks -- that is, unless you were the culprit responsible for leaving that two-word message behind!
Fight On's poor navigation abilities, poor stamina, and OCD nature really limits where he can go.
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Post by Taco »

He once threatened me with legal action when I used his full name online (Greg Sylvis or Silvas or whatever, who cares). Guilty conscience?

Anyway, going back to not thinking about him.
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