The Full Baldy: SGDM Training Hike #3

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by Sean »

There are four trails that summit and converge at Mt. Baldy: Bear Canyon, Ski Hut, Devil's Backbone, and North Backbone. In theory, The Full Baldy includes coverage of all four trails while tagging (at least once) West Baldy, Baldy, Harwood, and Dawson. Due to several factors, I only completed 3/4 of the concept, failing to walk the North Backbone to Dawson.

I awoke Saturday morning at 2:30am, and by 4:25 was heading up Bear Canyon.


I made decent time up the steep trail and caught a beautiful sunrise.


I also caught sight of some seemingly fearless Big Horns.


By 8am I was crunching semi-hard snow on West Baldy.


Instead of gasping my way up to Baldy, I then contoured around the southern flank of the highpoint,


dropping down to meet the Ski Hut Trail, which I took down to the Bowl, where I enjoyed a snack,


refilled water at the creek,


changed footwear,


and debated the meaning of life with a bird.


A little more downhill took me to the service/fire road, which I then took up to the Notch.


The Notch, of course, is a convenient stop for washing


and eating.


Feeling pretty good, I was ready for more hiking action by 11:30am, heading back up to Baldy, this time via the Devil's Backbone fire road and trail.

Fire Road



The wind felt nice and freezy on Harwood.


I then had the bright idea of trying to conserve energy by contouring around the eastern side of Baldy to the North Backbone Trail.


But whatever faint use path I was following ended at a not-so-appealing ice sheet, quite a distance from the Baldy-Dawson Saddle.


So I then scrambled back up to the Devil's Backbone and bagged Baldy.


It was only 2pm, but I had been out for nearly ten hours already. I considered trying for Dawson and checked out the trail.


I observed a little snow/ice on the route down from Baldy, but it probably wouldn't have slowed me down too much. Still, I was fairly fatigued with only two Clif bars and a Snickers remaining. If I got stuck on Dawson, that would be bad, so I hightailed it out of there, descended the Bear Canyon Trail back to my car, still another 6.5 miles to go.

And it's a good thing I did, because I found two lost individuals who had missed the Ski Hut Trail and took the Bear Canyon Trail about three miles before realizing the error.


We walked back to the village together. I told them all about The Full Baldy and gave them a ride back to their car at Manker.

My stats for the day amounted to 22.5 miles with 9370' of gain.
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Post by tekewin »

Let's see...

20+ miles of up and down on Baldy - check
Communing with big horns and birds - check
One metric ton of vertical gain - check
Saving two lost souls - check

I think you passed all the tests to join the Avengers. What a day :!:
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Post by Uncle Rico »

You're a freakin' animal Sean. If anyone completes the death march it will be you.
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Post by lilbitmo »

Nice work Sean, that walk around from Harwood to Baldy/Dawson saddle can be a nerve racking adventure done it in trail shoes with snow and ice only once, and twice with crampons still scares the crap out of you.

When is the big date for SGDM? I'm not sure I'll be ready for the full one, but I might still join for half? Up in the air right now.

Keep up the great work, you'll be ready :D
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Post by Phil B »

Now that is one epic Baldy day hike Sean, and nice pics too, I could almost taste the ketchup on those fries, so now your secret is out - lunch at the Notch.
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Post by Taco »

For some reason, I think I'd like to take part in the death march. 8)
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Post by Sean »

lilbitmo wrote: When is the big date for SGDM? I'm not sure I'll be ready for the full one, but I might still join for half?
I was hoping to go April 12, but I don't feel ready yet. I haven't reached my goals for the training hikes. I haven't scouted the springs or trimmed the Heaton-Shoemaker connector road. Also, snow/freezing weather might be a factor this week and next.

So now I'm looking at May 10 for the DM.

April 12 will probably be a 30+ mile training run on part of the DM route. If you're interested in joining, private message me.
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Post by VermillionPearlGirl »

I'm tired just reading this :)
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Post by EManBevHills »

Not your typical Baldy Day hike!
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Post by HikeUp » Eman sighting!!!
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Post by rck »

I must say you are one tough Hombre! Me, I am just older and slower! Good Job!
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Post by JerryN »

great hike…congrats!

What is the SGDM? Might have an interest in that one.

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Post by Sean »

JerryN wrote: What is the SGDM?
San Gabriel Death March. It's a 24-hour challenge hike circling the East Fork watershed. About 46 miles with 18k total gain.
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