A Cold Night at Cottam Camp

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Uncle Rico
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Post by Uncle Rico »

My boy wanted to try out his new backpack last Saturday so we decided to do a quick overnight to Cottam Camp in the Santa Barbara backcountry. From East Camino Cielo, we dropped down the Cold Spring Trail to Forbush Flat, then tacked east down Forbush Canyon to Cottam.

The night was dark and still with zillions of stars visible in the night sky. It was also pretty dang cold. When we awoke Sunday morning, all of our water was frozen.

There was no water anywhere.
Gidney Creek is dry.
Forbush Creek is dry.
Blue Canyon Creek is dry.

Round trip is an easy 7 miles or so on a well maintained and easy to follow trail. Cottam is about 1800 feet below Camino Cielo which means it's all uphill on the way out.

Here's a couple of pics.

Looking into Blue Canyon from the Cold Spring Trail. Cottam is located in the big meadow in the center.

Here you're looking east down Forbush Canyon just beyond Forbush Flat

Meadow at the bottom of Forbush Canyon

Tent site a Cottam Camp

Cottam Camp sits right off the trail at the junction of Blue Canyon and Forbush Canyon. In wetter years, water is flowing in the creek immediately behind the tree in the middle of this pic

Trail signage at Cottam Camp. There is a fire ring at the camp, but current fire restrictions precluded use

The camp is located on the edge of a big meadow which makes star-gazing easy

First light on Sunday. Red sky at morning...

The next generation leading the old man out of Forbush Canyon on Sunday morning
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Post by JerryN »

Thanks Rico, the sunrise is pretty amazing. That is a nice area that is sometimes completely devoid of people.
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Post by arocknoid »

Terrific photos, Uncle Rico.

What a great time to share with the youngster. How soon they are grown, and how few the chances my become to be out hiking and camping with them. Sure looks like a fine and quiet place of solitude for you two to enjoy. (duotude? ;)

Gorgeous photo of the sunrise--looks unreal.

And for a little link of sunrise pic and your screenname/avatar actor namesake, I couldn't help but think of the quote, "... They say the smog is the reason we have such beautiful sun(rises)."
(Ronnie was 'Rico,' BTW) Great film.

Thanks for the post and pics.
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Uncle Rico
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Post by Uncle Rico »

That is a nice area that is sometimes completely devoid of people.
Yeah Jerry, we only saw one other person once we dropped into Cottam. It was a young lady going solo who wandered through camp Saturday night about an hour before sunset. She kept on going up Blue Canyon, presumably to spend the night alone at Blue Canyon Camp. She had my immediate respect.
"... They say the smog is the reason we have such beautiful sun(rises)."
That's what they say, huh? What a bunch of f***** bulls**t. 8)
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Post by Augie »

Nice photo report Rico.
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Post by tekewin »

Nice trip, Rico. I can't get my kids outside, and they complain when I do. You're doing something right.

That sunrise photo is pure magic. Wow!
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Post by SlowestHiker »

Awesome. Gotta try that one. Thanks for sharing. :lol:
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