Grand Tour of Glendora Wilderness - North Trails

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by Sean »

The northern trails of Glendora Wilderness called to me yesterday afternoon, and I managed to accumulate 10 miles with 3k gain while wandering around Little and Big Dalton Canyons. After parking at the Wren-Meacham Trailhead, the path climbed 450' and provided nice views of the canyons, and the spreading grounds below the debris basin.


The trail then drops down to the Linder Equestrian Center.


From here I followed the road past the fire station and Little Dalton debris basin, to the Colby-Dalton Trail, which climbs 360' through a shaded oak grove,


then suddenly hits the Colby Fire wasteland.


It was nice to see that some things do survive wildfires, things such as beer bottles and aluminum cans.

I returned to Little Dalton and continued up-canyon to the Sack Head shed.


Near this old building a trail climbs 320' up the west slope of the canyon. I went up and down this path for some bonus gain, though it isn't very pretty and ends abruptly at Glendora Mountain Road.

I then walked down the road to the Poop-Out Trail, which ascends steeply 740' to a junction which includes the Monroe Truck and Mystic Canyon Trails.


The Mystic Canyon Trail gradually descended through Mystic Canyon and into Big Dalton.


I then followed the Big Dalton Canyon Trail upstream, passing through some recreational areas and crossing a few bridges.


This trail eventually ends at the park road, where I turned around and took the road back to a wilderness cabin with a drinking fountain.


Behind the cabin are some more trails. I took Keiser up to Coulter Pine, which puts you high up on the south side of the canyon. The high path crosses the Dunn Canyon Trail and continues westward, often through pleasant tree cover.


Also, this high trail offers good views of the entire San Antonio Ridge between West Baldy and Iron, though haze prevented me from getting a decent shot of the scene.


The Coulter Pine Trail ultimately popped out on the park road, which I then took a short distance back to my car.
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Post by Augie »

An area I've never been to. Thanks for the report.
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Post by tekewin »

Dang, the fire shaved the mountain clean. I've never seen the kind of damage it does up close. Looks like you had some fun wandering around up there.
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Post by Sean »

Two weeks ago I returned to Glendora Wilderness. It was one of the few places in the Gabes not affected by the ANF closure. Pavil Canyon Trail begins at the end of the park road. It's a short trail to a fern-covered spring. Years ago I was stopped by the waterfall obstacle just after the spring, but this time I made it further up the canyon, because the obstacle is now buried in climbable debris.
It's a neat class 2/3 scramble with nothing very difficult for a mile or more.
Someone has been improving this route beyond the park trail. At least one fallen tree had been sawed and cleared. And the brush had been trimmed back.

I had hoped to take the canyon all the way to Johnstone Peak, but my back started hurting. I turned around where there was a short climb with a rope assist in place.
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