Icehouse to Timber in a Snowstorm

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by Ellen »

Howdy All :)

December hasn't been a great month. I came down with an upper respiratory infection and my mom was hospitalized with severe pneumonia. Mom is now home and doing better. I needed serious mountain therapy.

On Tuesday, I headed up Register ridge to Baldy and came down via the Ski Hut trail. Amazing what being sick and not working out does to one's fitness. It took much longer than usual and on the summit I coughed like a three pack a day smoker. Didn't care -- mom was home and I was outside.

It was a beautiful day -- great views of the southern Sierra, San Gorgonio and San Jacinto. I was sitting at 10 K wearing shorts and t-shirt -- only in southern CA. I saw metal glistening in the snow at the rock shelter and discovered at least four full cans of Tecate beer Laughing I suspect it will disappear this weekend Wink unless it's buried under a lot of new snow.

Yesterday I headed out to Icehouse Canyon to experience polar bear (winter) weather. About halfway up to the saddle, it began snowing lightly. All I could hear was my breathing and the crunch of my feet in the snow -- very peaceful. I started seeing lovely rime ice and snow flocked trees near Icehouse Saddle. From the saddle to Timber, I could feel the temperature drop substantially. Had a quick fuel stop, added more layers and swapped gloves for mittens.

When I started descending, I was amazed to discover that my boot tracks were already starting to fill in :shock: I didn't think it was snowing that hard. I was also in near white out conditions. I channeled the master orienteer Hikin' Jim and carefully made my way back to Icehouse saddle. This unsettling experience made me acutely aware of how easily someone can lose the way in a snowstorm. (Note: I did have my map and compass).

About 10 minutes down from Icehouse saddle, I ran into two bundled up hikers who asked about the conditions past the saddle. When I described the temperature change (from tolerably cold to hypothermic) and the white out conditions :oops: , they laughed knowingly -- they'd made this same mistake before and based on my beta would happily turn around at the saddle.

The descent was actually enjoyable. Normally it seems to take so long, I think I can feel my hair growing. It was snowing gently, not too cold and of course the snowfall created a lovely winter wonderland. I started seeing more hikers about halfway down. The attire of some was concerning -- the strangest sight was the group wearing normal attire and carrying blankets.

It rained fairly hard on the Foothill freeway -- amazingly people were driving carefully and courteously. I went to the PF Changs in Victoria Gardens for lunch. The great day went south when I went to pay -- my wallet was not in my purse. I went outside and double-checked my trunk. Then I started getting fraud alert messages on my iPhone.

Went back inside and told the manager Jeff that my wallet was stolen while eating. He checked the videotape. Two effeminate Latino guys had sat next to me briefly at the bar before leaving -- I just assumed they were getting a table. The videotape showed the jerk next to me riffling through my purse as I was texting my family :evil: Jeff and the bartender were apologetic and felt terrible -- not their fault that two evil shits robbed me while I was distracted. At least this happened in an establishment where I'm a regular.

I contacted the appropriate people regarding my stolen credit and debit cards. The shits also got $130 in cash. I won't be keeping my valuables in my purse anymore. What a buzz kill Mad

Heading up Skyline with sister Sally tomorrow -- I can always count on the Skyline to be cathartic.

Happy Holidays and Watch Your Back,
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Post by JeffH »

Thanks for the TR. It was definitely a feel-good story until the last part...
New snow is fun to walk around in, good you finished before whiteout.
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Post by scottawr »

I was the young man in the blue jacket. heading up the ski hut trail late Tuesday morning, We said hello briefly :D
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