Lord Baden-Powell 06-08-08

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Uncle Rico
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Post by Uncle Rico »

Finally made it out to Baden-Powell on Sunday. Fantastic day to be on the mountain as evidenced by the 50-60 cars in the parking lot at 11:00 a.m. when we arrived. Apparently, there is a strip of snow on the south side of Highway 2 a few miles from the parking area and a bunch of young guns were either walking out to it with their boards strapped to their backs for a day of 406-style fun or were riding motorized scooters out to the snow. I think the rest of the folks were on Baden-Powell but surprisingly it didn't seem crowded to point of annoyance.

Anyway, the trail is in great shape (kudos to the CCC of yore for such a nice job cutting this trail). It is snow free except for a few patches just below the ridge. In some of those spots, hikers have cut the trail to avoid the snow and its having an impact. Hope that stops when the remainder of the snow melts.

On the ridge just below the summit, ran into a troop of about 25 boy scouts from Moorpark who were descending and must have been completing the Silver Moccasin. Nicely done guys! Also ran into a solo hiker that was walking the PCT. Caught him at the same spot I passed the boy scouts and he was struggling badly. Said he started from Mexico several months ago. Hope he makes it alright but I think the Sierra portion may really be a challenge for him.

Views from the top are grand of course. A bit of haze which suggested that a fire was burning somewhere although we didn't see smoke.

Sorry, couldn't upload pics so you're stuck with words.

Uncle Rico

Post by FIGHT ON »

Snow almost all gone? Thats great news UR. That's my finish line at the bottom of all those switchbacks. Nice when things are clear. You didn't happen to go down to Islip Saddle did you? Wondering about the snow on the trail going down that way.
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

FIGHT ON wrote:That's my finish line at the bottom of all those switchbacks.
So, when's the big day?? You do realize that Saturday June 21 (only about a week away!!) is the longest day of the year, don't you!!!?? It's determined in the heavens!! GO FIGHT ON!

Sheesh. I'm starting to sound like you. Seriously, when is the "SMT challenge?"

Post by FIGHT ON »

somebody at rei mentioned that to me last week. Steve. Those poor guys at rei. When they see me come in, THEY RUN! LOL. I think I could do it right now but I would be a basket case at the finish. I am going to slowly build up to it. Gonna try to go from Chantry to Islip this Saturday. Pass by your tent at West Fork singing the USC Fight Song! Have no idea how I am going to get back. :shock: It's going to be really hard to resist not hiking up around Mt. Williamson from where that trail comes out of Cooper Canyon Doldrums.
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