Baldy summit vandalism

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by Logan »

Sean wrote:
KathyW wrote: I agree - it's not vandalism - it's just a different point of view.
It's not "just a different point of view." It's an evil point of view. These people are either ignorant vandals or pure life-haters. In either case, they represent a certain degree of evil on the mountain.

The people who build those shelters do so for a very good, noble reason: to benefit and sustain human life at the summit during bad, and potentially life-threatening, conditions. I have personally experienced the true benefit of those shelters, and I'll be helping to keep them up there from now on by putting a few rocks in place whenever I can.

The pure life-haters will have a handful of excuses for destroying the shelters, but they are all total BS. These people know that the shelters have a valid purpose, but they are simply too cowardly to straight up say they don't care about human life.

I have read this several times and I am still not sure if this is just a joke full of sarcasm and making fun of people who build shelters or not. I am still telling myself that no one could actually be saying this for real... I guess I just get confused easily. Can someone help me out here? Is this for real?
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Post by Logan »

Sean wrote:
everyday wrote: Damn! hes on to us! youre right sean. Just because i think its nice to keep the few wild places left unmarked by humans, It must be because ima life hater!
I hate you all ! die! die! LOL (sean, you could always buy a tent and sleepingbags dood. or even just a nano puff n a hardshell n wool sox,with all the high tech gear out there these days, i guarantee you ya wont die just cause theres no rock wall on a so cal mountain peak (unless youre really ignorant and know nothing about how to be prepared and take care of yourself outside of a city, and , if thats the case, you have no business goin out there fool). :wink: dont destroy natural beauty just because yer too cheap n lazy to purchase and carry the proper gear.....possibly check a weather forcaste too so ya dont get caught out ina "unexpected" storm) You can tell a storms commin by lookin at a satalite pic n see if theyres any cloud type things offshore )

and "evil"? really dood? are you high? or just really crazy? or just trolling? yer post was so nutty, ima guess trolling :)
Why don't you straight up say that you don't care about human life? Instead you say things like "i guarantee you ya wont die just cause theres no rock wall on a so cal mountain peak (unless youre really ignorant and know nothing about how to be prepared and take care of yourself outside of a city, and, if thats the case, you have no business goin out there fool)." We can understand, by inference, that you don't care about "ignorant" human life. You don't mind if an "ignorant" person gets caught on the summit and dies from exposure. How about an unlucky dayhiker who breaks his leg or something and has to spend a windy winter night up there? Do you hate unlucky, knowledgeable people, too? How about poor people who can't afford all of your high tech gear suggestions? Do you hate poor hikers?

Besides, the shelters were built primarily for making camping a little easier, right? So do you only partly hate human life? Do you merely want campers to suffer the full impact of nature, and spend a miserable night on the mountain, because it's more beautiful when the rocks are scattered versus stacked neatly? Do you also fume, red in the face, during every step you take on the man-made, nature-destroying trails leading up to the summit? Do you have wet dreams about ruining the trails too?

You will never admit it--straight up. But you hate human life. Even a five minute dissection of your couple paragraphs tells me that much. Every sentence you write screams: "I hate you all! Die? Die!" You joke about it. But your entire post validates my point. You prefer "wild places" and "natural beauty" over human life. And you've picked one of the least wild and least beautiful summits on which to make your stand. There are four popular trails which take thousands of people to Baldy every year. The summit itself is ugly, barren with no trees. What a ridiculous place to make a stand against human rock-piling.
LOL... nevermind, now I know this has to be a joke. Good one! You had me until I read this.
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Post by everyday »

@Logan, i think youre right. Its entertaining at least.
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Post by LetsGlissadeLhotze »

What is this? It sounds like a yelp review....vomit
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Post by atomicoyote »

If you want to build a 'comfort station' to help those in need on Mt Baldy (during storms that they should not have been hiking through in the first place), why not use all those rocks to create a more familiar, comforting, protective structure:


Nothing like trying to get away from it all, only to find its all there, too. :wink:
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Post by AlanK »

A more familiar, comforting, protective, caffeinating structure.
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Post by Yamaya »

...And a tram straight up to the summit so that those unprepared/unfit can safely go down. We'll see women in skirts, Baldy village will prosper, everyone's happy :D
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Post by HikeUp »

Is the nipple still there?

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Post by Taco »

I have not tickled the nipple with my tongue in a few years.
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