Shin's 300th summit of Baldy.

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by HikeUp »

It hasn't been mentioned here for some reason, but I've been following Shin's 300th summit of our beloved Mt. Baldy on the WPSMB forum. Congrats!!! Sorry I didn't get a chance to join in. I do recall seeing you back on July 3rd, 2010 on top for summit #???...
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Post by AlanK »

Shindig 300 was a great event that materialized on the WPS Message Board. There was good representation from this board. Here is my WPSMB post.
Eric and I joined a group of nearly 40 people for the first, and only Shiindig 300, the official celebration of Shin's 300th ascent of Mt. Baldy. After leaving not a trace of snow on Baldy one week earlier, the weather changed on Wednesday. The crowd at Manker Flat at the official 6:15 time was whoever could fit into the few 4WD vehicles that had made it up the snow-covered switchbacks -- plus our Honda Civic, of course. It took an extra hour of struggles up the road and relays to the Village to get the crew on the trail. But, it was a beautiful day, starting out at 23 degrees and finishing at around 40. There was plenty of snow all the way. Plenty of wind as well, except when Shin hit the summit and it all calmed down. The Ski Hut was the site of continuous revelry from around 8:30 on. All in all, a very busy day on the trail. And it was great to see so many folks from the Whitney Portal Store Message Board, hailing from far-flung places including Vancouver, WA, Berkeley, Bishop, Lone Pine, and Ridgecrest, not to mention Ventura, LA, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego Counties.

Eric and me


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Post by Bonan »

Snow snow snow!!
I need to get up there!

Looks like a good time.
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