Palisade Traverse tips?

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Eric Su
Posts: 27
Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:34 am

Post by Eric Su »

Has anyone here done the Palisade traverse recently (T-bolt - Sill)? Ive studied the route but still need to clear up some things. Im planning to free-solo the traverse sometime next year (maybe a cheater's rope on T-bolt summit block and milk bottle).

From the top of T-bolt to starlight, there's a choice between class 5.6 downclimb from T-bolt or a chimney. Ive heard that the chimney is easier but there is a difficult exposed section below it. Which route would you recommend?

According to summitpost, theres a very exposed overhanging boulder between Starlight and N.Pal. The post states that there is a bypass to this boulder, but does not describe it.

How is the rock quality descending to the U-notch from N.Pal? Ive heard mixed opinions about it.
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