Feeler: SGMDF Official Adventure Race!

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Post by Taco »

Feeler means i'm just asking everyone's opinion here. I want to gauge interest in having a sort of adventure race in the San Gabes.

To put it simply, this would be a no-sponsors, no-frills race or event or whatever. Kinda like the Sierra Challenge. It would be demanding. I want to put some technical bits into this challenge, taking ideas from the Best Ranger Competition where Rangers must disassemble weapons, do land nav, etc etc. The degree of technicality will depend on those interested. I would like to have some canyoneering in it, thus technical skills in regards to rappelling, ropework, teamwork, etc etc. I don't want it to just be "run from point A to B to C". Land nav/map reading/orienteering/whateveryouwannacallit will be a big part of it, as will bushwhacking and all sortsa FUN STUFF. ;-)

What do you guys think? Please, spill the beans. Any and all ideas. Shoot.

Spartan race: http://www.spartanrace.com/?gclid=CPKz3 ... hwodmzMikw
Best Ranger: http://www.bestrangercompetition.com/
Muddy Buddy: http://muddy-buddy.competitor.com/
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666-The Beast
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Post by 666-The Beast »

Its fun idea that could have some potential for being established as a regular thing to partake when one gets tired of the normal treks through the Gabes.
The main thing is not to make it an elite course where only a few people(like ones with military background) finish and the rest fall by the wayside trying to reach the halfway or the finish. There needs to be a few training classes on the ropes, rocks, trashing the body and try to get rid of any fears(mental toughness) that would impede your ability to finish the course!
I would try to start out on an easy course first, then build it up progressively over time. But as you wrote,'' who is going to participate?''. The people, I think would like to go back home in one piece and avoid any major breakdowns to ones body. Its a lot of work to plan, agree upon what, and carry the event out if you try to make it too complex.
I am sure there are lots of able people out there like you that may want to help make this happen.....
''as will be bushwhacking'' yes! through p.o., ticks, yucca- thorny plants and the new post fire poodle dog fields that are sprouting all over the big burn area.
Any teams forming? count me in with the military people they will always get the job done!!! Good luck and people lets get some ideas going!!!!!
I am ready for some hell of a time on the SGM hell course!!!! 666
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Post by cougarmagic »

It'll be fun to come up with something that challenges our diverse bunch.

Rough ideas -the course would include one bagged peak, one geocache (you don't need a GPS to geocache by the way...just map skills) a rappel or two (does not need to be a whole "canyon" - you can rappel down a steep slope off a tree or something), a bouldering problem - just trying to have a little bit of everything that we all do. (without requiring, say, bikes or other gear not everyone has)

I think routefinding could be part of it if you simply say...pick your own route to accomplish the following things, start and end here...some people will be faster running on trail, but some will be faster if they're used to bushwhacking and can take a shortcut. So there is some brain work necessary too.

We already know who the top athletes are - and that they can mop the floor with the rest of us in speed and endurance. So I'd say make sure it's balanced, and a bit more inclusive to lots of skills, not just physical ones.
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Post by turtle »

cougarmagic wrote: Rough ideas -the course would include one bagged peak, one geocache ... a rappel or two ... a bouldering problem
I expected better from the HSS founder. :wink:
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Post by Taco »

Thanks CM. I was thinking along the same lines. A short canyon like San Antonio Falls would be good if we did the event on Baldy. A few rappels, get the attendees cold and wet, all that.

I like the pick-your-own-route thing a lot.

I would also like to incorporate carrying heavy stuff from point a to b, such as moving a dummy or carrying 5gal watercans, or both. A dummy carry would be cool.

So far, I'm thinking of holding the event along West Fork of the SG and the Crystal Lake area. I have a general route mapped out (again, it's up to those participating to choose their own route), a general outline of things.
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Post by Taco »

ALSO, big point here... this race/event/callitwhatyouwanna will be FREE. No admission, no prizes, no bullshit, just a straight up challenge.

I intend on doing a relatively easy event first, then applying what I've learned to something much more difficult, something that has a lot more suck in it. I would also like to have a completely separate event for those who have spent time as armed professionals, doing stuff that applies to that. Kinda like an "end of the world" event kinda deal, only not corny and without that stupid zombie crap that's popular nowadays. Obviously not many of this forum would be interested in that, but you're welcome to attend either event when (not if) it's done.

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Post by cougarmagic »

Taco wrote: then applying what I've learned to something much more difficult, something that has a lot more suck in it.
Triplet Rocks In a Day. Be a TRIADthlete!

Just so this is not a fly-by snark post - I think you should do something really challenging. I've always said I feel very privileged to say "I know that guy/girl!" about a lot of people in this outdoorsy community. I don't have the urge to do C2C or the triple crown, etc, but I do love to "watch"!
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Post by obie »

cougarmagic wrote:

(without requiring, say, bikes ...)
But, maybe if you throw in a bike section you might find some more people to race.

I say have a leg from the Village to Baldy Notch (further if there's no snow). Good stiff climb/hike without any technical/singletrack skills needed. Run a notice on the MTB forums and I'd bet a bunch of XC riders would be down for that.

I got some extra MTB's I would lend out.
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Post by Taco »

I'd say yes, but I don't like biking. :lol: Got it outta my system.

I'm thinking along the lines of you and your pack kinda shit, like only what you've got. I wouldn't mind a bike race separate from this event though, but I'd leave that up to your bike guys to do. I have no motivation or desire for that. That is not meant to come off as dickish or whatever.
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Post by mcphersonm80 »

Very interested, only my complete lack of technical skills (what's a 'rope'? :oops:) stands in my way... Eager to watch it unfold and see what you come up with, though
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Post by bertfivesix »

Start off with a shooting/obstacle course at Lytle, haha..
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Post by Taco »

bertfivesix wrote: Start off with a shooting/obstacle course at Lytle, haha..
I would like to! Then have someone clear a house atop Baldy during a winter storm. :lol:
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Post by TracieB »

Good idea, I guess I have to learn how to rappel...and I'm slow but what the heck I think it sounds fun.

I'm still holding out for snow so we can do the winter skills day. :x
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Post by Taco »

Anyone wanna volunteer to go scout out the route with me? I have it planned. So far, it's just hiking with some scrambling, no technical stuff yet.
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Post by HikeUp »

Taco wrote: Anyone wanna volunteer to go scout out the route with me?
Send me details, I might be able.
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Post by Taco »

We would meet up at the Crystal Lake Cafe. Not sure when, this weekend is booked as is next, but I'm free during the week.
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Post by HikeUp »

Weekends only for me.
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Post by Taco »

OK. Perhaps the 28th or 29th?
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Post by 666-The Beast »

HikeUp wrote: Weekends only for me.
Go ahead use up a sick or vac day; don't be so stingy with your privileged time!(':lol:')
Weekdays is the best fun time of the week to be in the forestland... 666
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Post by 666-The Beast »

Taco wrote: Anyone wanna volunteer to go scout out the route with me? I have it planned. So far, it's just hiking with some scrambling, no technical stuff yet.
Commander Taco, I would like to join the CL area route scouting. We all have been deprived for way too long the rightful access to this place. Now that its open I would like to move a bit around this cool place. The only thing I would be concerned is that there will not be any amphibious exercises planned on the lake! ':lol:'
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Post by everyday »

I'll go with you :D
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Post by 666-The Beast »

How about a SGMDF annual ''Bataan Memorial Death March'' 4/9-17/1942
In remembrance to all the people that suffered thru this horrible ordeal.
We can start on top of Wilson and make a loop as it would make it easier to park and return at the same spot,it has easy access to parking and food(Cosmic Caffe).
The Silver Moccasin trail from Chileo Visitors Center to Chanrty Flat or Red Box.
A loop around Chantry Flat area is also doable. 666

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Post by Taco »

There's already one of those. What I am going to make is something unique. This is just the 'scouting' phase.
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Post by Zach »

any adventure race through the san gabes has to include iron mountain... it just wouldnt be the same without it :)
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Post by Taco »

And that trail from Allison Saddle to Allison Gulch. F that thing.
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Post by 666-The Beast »

Taco wrote: A:There's already one of those.
B:What I am going to make is something unique. This is just the 'scouting' phase.

A:Yeah, but its in New Mexico and not here. Why not have a simple easy event where lots of people
would be able to participate in the San Gabe Mts in honor of these military heroes.
Perfect time of the year to do this in the San Gabes! and thats pretty unique indeed for most of the people......

B:Good luck! make sure it don't require unique people to participate and leave all the rest of us observing... 666
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Post by Taco »

I understand.

If I have any military-oriented stuff in an event I plan, it will be more along the lines of being mentally and physically taxing with some 'tactical' bits in it, IE making sure a team can shoot move communicate, operate as a team, etc etc. Obviously the audience for that is extremely limited insofar as SGMDF is concerned... just threw the idea out there.

I don't want to copy the Bataan DM. I am going for something different. Thanks though.
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Post by everyday »

I sorta thought the whole point was to make sure it is unique. I mean, for people who want easy they can stay in a town n just run 5K's on pavement whenever they want. theres tons of races like that almost every weekend. Theres plenty of easy events for the masses, I think finally having something difficult/fun and super challenging would be awesome. -just my 2cents since it's just yer thread for ideas n stuff. :)
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Post by Taco »

Damn straight sweetheart.
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Post by AdventureDoc »

I'm not sure what the split is in this message board on people with technical rope experience vs those without, but I'm worried ropework might scare some away.

I think adding tasks along the race will keep it unique. I like the dummy carry task, stuff like that to mix it up along the way.
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