Echo Mt via 405 aka Sam Merrill Trl

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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666-The Beast
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Post by 666-The Beast »

One very popular trail for all kinds of folks to go up to the historic Echo Mountain site. Being near the city, able to go up higher at different directions and a regularly well -volunteer- maintained trail, it never seems to bore me every time I go there. On the winter weekends, past noon is the best time to go there for as you ascend clusters of people from 2-12 are descending from their morning start and I realize it will be nice and serene when I arrive to the top of Echo or I decide to go a bit higher to Inspiration Point or the Dawn Mine-its a closed area for now. Recent wind damage is evident at the start and along the trail as small trees and branches from shrubs are scattered along the course or the side of trail. But the clear view of the valleys, mountains and beyond make it worth the effort to be there.
The surprise of the day was running into FO-now banished but never forgotten- with his usual pleasant demeanor and the ever ready camera to take a pic of ya! He told me of his new grand plan for a grand hike in the Gabes that will put to shame all the other hikes. It sounded awsome but I warned him that he better have witness! I also recommended him that he needs do at lest a Ze-Trek hike to show us that he is ready for the hell treks, as he was moving on he started yelling at me "only 2 miles!!" Its always fun to run into people from this site.....
The wind was getting stronger and colder as I reached the hotel site and I saw the new exhibition show labeled as the 420, a real nice simple art work that brings a bit of humanity to the mountain. I can't thank enough the nice clean up crew that puts an unfortunate end to each show and a chance for a new one at the usual empty water reservoir site.
A golden hue was starting to cover the pacific ocean, a fire broke out in the valley, chilly "35" wind gusts kicked on and it was time for my return to the city of La hell. Supper lucky for the late arrivals that stay and see a clear, crispy, magic, golden glowing sunset. For me as a reward, I was looking forward for a bottle of the devils brew-the arrogant bastard- at room temp as soon as I got home.... 666
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Post by HikeUp »

A match made in hell.
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666-The Beast
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Post by 666-The Beast »

After a few sips of the the bastard, the bitterness disappears,the buzz kicks in and you are in heaven! A little chill time can help to take off the hellish edge.
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Post by PackerGreg »

Accolades for graffiti? What are you, some kind of beast??!!
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Post by mcphersonm80 »

I like your style 8)

(AB on Islip)
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666-The Beast
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Post by 666-The Beast »

Accolades for graffiti? What are you, some kind of beast??!!

No!!! just the Devils advocate; the lingering broken chunks of concrete is more of an eyesore than the art work in the water tank. The circumference of the water tank gets smaller each time they paint over it thus preserving the the art work for future excavations. I would like to see a group effort in filling up the water tank with broken concrete and rocks which eventually will become a nice home for the reptiles. Much better solution than having to use paint chemicals on a regular basis by both parties.......666
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Post by PackerGreg »

How 'bout we fill it with washed-up forest supervisors?
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666-The Beast
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Post by 666-The Beast »

I like your style

The Devil does not like your style!, you chill the AB?!!! It has to be kept and consumed hot as hell if you ever want to enjoy a hellish buzz ride. The Devil admires your ability to drink the AB on top of Islip and then be able come down the mountain with no slippage..... 666
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Post by mcphersonm80 »

666-THE BEAST wrote: I like your style

The Devil does not like your style!, you chill the AB?!!! It has to be kept and consumed hot as hell if you ever want to enjoy a hellish buzz ride. The Devil admires your ability to drink the AB on top of Islip and then be able come down the mountain with no slippage..... 666

How about a warm AB at 10,064' in the pitch black of night, accompanied by a steady frigid wind, followed by a harrowing descent of your very own backbone (also sans slippage)? :twisted:

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666-The Beast
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Post by 666-The Beast »

How about a warm AB at 10,064' in the pitch black of night, accompanied by a steady frigid wind, followed by a harrowing descent of your very own backbone (also sans slippage)?

Plz by all means drop down(3000') for a visit! I am sure some wanna be mountaineer or a foolish humanoid will have a hell of a time this winter!!!
It happens every year..... :cry: There is no divine protection by the mountain gods in winter time, you are forsaken to be all alone and protected only by your mountaineering skills... 666
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