The Comeback and the Goodbye

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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666-The Beast
Posts: 124
Joined: Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:08 pm

Post by 666-The Beast »

A great summery day brought me back to Mt Baldy via the ski hut way. Having been absent from the high country for two months, the huffy-puffyness kicked in as soon as I left the fire road and ascended the ski hut trail maintaining the 2.5 hrs pace to the top. High country environment is a double whammy!! Strong body to move on the uphills and an efficient respiratory system to maintain the pace as the O2 supply gets reduced as you ascend.
Two months have passed by and the lungs got lazy and now I am back with huffy-puffy intervals at each of the 4 demanding ridges that you need to walk to reach the summit. Its a nice warm day wearing a t-shirt, shorts and a new pair of shoes to try out. In the backpack are packed the winter essentials: long pants,layering gloves,jacket, hats and sweaters all useless weight only to induce a longer duration of the huffy-puffy syndrome!
The compacted soil made an easy trek up the ski hut and as I passed the bowl I entered a new terrain conditions on the shady, uphill trail that was now covered in snow! Now, it all felt like you were walking in mine field with with your eyes closed as each step you took you wondered how and where you will go or land! Wow!!! a true winter mountaineering experience above 8k. Also with all the steepness- I wondered- as I ascended when will the free downhill ride happen and make me start all over again. I had no sticks, no foot-claws of any kind, but some how the new luggy Inov-8 trail shoes come thru and I made it to the sunny side of trail and moved on to the summit. Hopping to find my usual spot to sit down for a snack, I saw all the usual places covered with snow and the breezy wind wanting you to leave the summit right now!
A few quick pics and I was out of there. I had to snack on the go and keep an eye on each step on the downhill snowy minefield trail.Lots of surprises lay underneath the white stuff if you don't step properly. All the people I passed were dressed with a deep freeze attire as I finally come near the end of the snow i got a bit careless, lost traction and landed on an icy trail.. Ouch!!!
Passing by the snow free bowl I concluded that its time for me to say good bye to this wonderful place for now and a seasons greetings to our esteeemed Mt Baldy mountaineers and have safe and fun time!!!!!!
Until april or so I will remain in the low lands of LA. 666
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