Bailey Canyon stroll: 10-30-2011

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by HikeUp »

Hiked the trails around Bailey Canyon today. Dry and hot. Started at 7a after a couple people who said they would hike bailed (as expected) and my last second attempt to see if others were interested in joining came up empty. Anyways, the trail is in good shape at least as far as the cabin ruins. There is a little bit of water coming over the falls and the nature trail is a bit anemic at this time of year :D

On my way up to the cabin ruins I stopped to take in the sounds of the canyon and I could hear something large stomping through the brush down canyon from me. Then I finally saw a dark lump of a mass poking around a couple of large bushes way down canyon and fairly near but uphill from the trail. Looked like a bear to me - there's been some sightings recently in the area. I am too near sighted to be sure but I can't imagine it was a hiker stomping around in the bushes! Zoom on my camera was also out of focus.

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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Nice little hike. I don't think I've ever seen water going over those falls.

Don't believe all the Latin names on those signs. Poison Oak is called toxicodendron diversilobum not taxicodendron diversilobum (although taxes may be toxic to some). :)

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Post by HikeUp »

Little indeed. Old and slow is no way to hike :D

Need to get back into hiking condition soon dangit.
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Post by everyday »

there was water when Ryan n I went canyoneering there a month or 2 ago....dunno if there was any pics posted here, I dont remember
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

HikeUp wrote: Little indeed. Old and slow is no way to hike :D

Need to get back into hiking condition soon dangit.
You're doing fine. Between moving and being injured, I've hardly hiked at all. Bailey would be a tough hike for me right now.

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