Baldy and Dawson (9/18/11)

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by blueshammer »

Finally made a long overdue trip to Mt. Baldy on Sunday. Nothing new or spectacular to report; in case anyone's wondering, the snow's melted, melted. Took Register Ridge (encountered two groups), reached the top (crowds galore), and descended the North Backbone Trail (passed a group of three). I reached Dawson and intended to continue to Pine but realized I was running out of daylight and water, so I returned around a bit short of my goal for the day.

The climb back up to Baldy was a pain on account of my fatigue and thirst. I had to start rationing my water on the 1,200 foot climb up Baldy's north face. Lesson: always bring extra water (earlier in the day, I foolishly poured some water for a dog I encountered, thinking I was rich as Neptune). Upon returning to Baldy's flattop, I took the Ski Hut Trail back and, for the third time, I missed the trail for a few minutes at the rockslide before reaching the spring before the hut. An hour after running out of water, I was finally able to fill up at the spring (an absolute lifesaver!), though a throbbing headache followed me down the trail. After reaching my car at the start of dusk, I drove to a Jamba Juice and replenished my liquids. So ends another great day at Baldy.

Going up Register Ridge:

Everyone's favorite mountain friend:

Moonset over everyone's favorite mountain friend:

Flag of our fathers:

In detail:

I caught sight of a whirring glider (blurred in center) between Baldy and Dawson:

Beautiful and remote stretch there:

Wilderness is bliss:
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Post by yobtaf »

Nice photos, I waiting for the day I can see a glider over one of the mtns. Better yet would love to be in one. 8)
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