Vincent Gap - PCT - Islip Saddle - South Fork

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by Elwood »

I've been wanting to get back up on this segment of the crest trail since the warm weather would've melted most of the pesky snow. I arrived at a cold (28F), foggy Vincent Gap, hitting the trail around 0620 this past Sunday. Snow patches were intermittent and passable (in boots) for the last mile or so. For the last hundred yards I threw the crampons on. Three other hikers in the area just toughed it out to the summit. The Pacific Crest Trail was under significant and patchy snow from Baden-Powell west to Throop. It was generally easy to stay high and bypass the trail (in boots by that point) as necessary. I somehow managed to get 300 feet below the trail on Throop's flanks before realizing my error and working my way back up the steep scree. Once near Hawkins, the snow was irrelevant, though there were still little patches past Little Jimmy. There was a large scouting group breaking camp at Little Jimmy when I stopped for a Clif Bar, some pretzels (Sprouts), and dried cherries(TJ's). I chatted briefly with a PCT through-hiker at Islip Saddle. He had lost enough time in the snow at Baden-Powell, that he was headed back to Vincent Gap for a resupply rendezvous rather than press on to Agua Dulce. The South Fork Trail (9W02) remains one of my favorites. There are still a handful of sketchy spots, a slip from which could really ruin your day. Memorial Day celebrations were well under way in the South Fork Campground, full with tent campers, RV's and everything in between. Manzanita Trail, back to Vincent Gap was hard, through no fault of its own. It's in great shape, though Mt. Lewis is winning over recurrent repair work in a couple of tough spots. Rather than stopping to consume much needed calories I chose to press on. The body finally wouldn't hear of this abuse any longer and wouldn't let me continue until a dose of Shot Blocks. Twelve splendid hours after starting, I was back at the car. As I crossed Manzanita, I was spying the dirt portion of Big Rock Creek road (4N11.2) as a possible shortcut to my drive back to Simi. The Jeep managed this fairly well. It negated the drive back to Wrightwood and the entirety of Big Pines highway.

Cold white fungus obscures the trail for good portions of the last quarter mile or so.

Some ancient mariner must've blown through here on Saturday night and left his rime.

Very nice ridge that descends NW from Mt. Baden-Powell's summit.

Funny weather was blowing cold low clouds across all day.

Mt. Lewis, Dawson Sadddle, Throop Peak.

Mnts. Islip, Williamson and (2002) Curve Fire damage in the foreground.

Approaching Islip Saddle along the Pacific Crest Trail, ocean of ceanothus on the right.

Gratuitously monochrome image of Twin Peaks and ACH at Islip Saddle.

South Fork Campground was busy! View up Big Rock Creek with the High Desert Trail (10W09) visible on the left.

Looking east along Big Rock Creek towards Blue Ridge

Archway to Big Rock Creek Camp (nee Paradise Springs) trail.

Pair of waterfalls high above Big Rock Creek, near Mnts Burnham and B-P.

Someone's bad day at Big Rock.

GPS track and elevation plot.
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Post by obie »

'Ancient Mariner' for the win. Nice.
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Post by Taco »

Nice falls! Cool meeting you tonight!
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Post by cougarmagic »

Another killer loop! That's a crazy amount of snow for June. Beautiful stuff.

I believe the falls are what we dubbed "Fire Escape Canyon". Matt Maxon may have it written up on Everytrail. Nice waterfalls, awful access route - anyone thinking of checking it out would be wise to find another way up there.

Beautiful photos. Now I'm jonesing for a Pleasant View Ridge trip.

Nice to meet you yesterday. I'll admit, I would have recognized you faster if you had introduced yourself as Elwood! :) it took me a minute. :lol:
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Post by Elwood »

Meeting Taco...

Meeting Cougarmagic...

Chris and Cougars' presentations.

Now I know what it feels like to win a trifecta!
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Elwood wrote: Meeting Taco...

Meeting Cougarmagic...

Chris and Cougars' presentations.

Now I know what it feels like to win a trifecta!
CM, you did a presentation too? Dang! I really missed out. :(

Good looking hike there, Elwood. 23.37 miles RT and 11,500' gain -- did I read that right? Yikes!

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