Camping Memorial day weekend

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Post by Sublatum »

Is there any place anyone can think of that i may be able to walk up or reserve for next friday through the weekend? I know this is horrible timing with the long weekend, but was wondering if any camp grounds anyone would recommend? More trails around the better! Thanks!
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Maybe Guffy or Lupine, assuming they're open. I would think Lupine would be last to open. If you get there early enough on Friday, Buckhorn might be available.

The top of Mt. Pacifico looks OK from a distance. That's a great place to camp if it's open. No one would even be thinking about it since it's been closed so long. Like I say, it looks OK from a distance. I can see trees, and they're not skeletons.

Out that way, Monte Cristo is open I believe. I think Messenger Flat/Lightning Point is still closed.

There's always Chilao. It's big, so...

For places that are reservable/not reservable, check with the FS. Anywhere not reservable, try to get there Thursday after work or as early in the day as possible on Friday morning.

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Post by robnokshus »

I'm thinking Buckhorn may still be closed for renovation.

Personally, unless I'm in the mood for unruly crowds, loud music until 2 in the morning, dirty diapers and trashed facilities I avoid camping on Memorial weekend. Now the Strawberry Music Festival is a different story...
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Post by MtnMan »

Buckhorn is closed til probably July.

Messenger Flats is still closed.

Mt. Pacifico is still closed.

Blue Ridge, Guffy and probably Lupine should be open by next weekend, from what I hear. Table Mtn, Lake, and Mtn. Oak are open, and even though those 3 take reservations, they still have many non-reservable sites. (all near Wrightwood)

Chilao has Manzanita open, Little Pines is still closed with burn damage. Horse Flats is is also open, which is off 3N17.

I wouldn't recommend Monte Cristo to anyone, except Maybe PackerGreg.
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Mike P
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Post by Mike P »

MtnMan wrote: Buckhorn is closed til probably July.

Messenger Flats is still closed.

Mt. Pacifico is still closed.

Blue Ridge, Guffy and probably Lupine should be open by next weekend, from what I hear. Table Mtn, Lake, and Mtn. Oak are open, and even though those 3 take reservations, they still have many non-reservable sites. (all near Wrightwood)

Chilao has Manzanita open, Little Pines is still closed with burn damage. Horse Flats is is also open, which is off 3N17.

I wouldn't recommend Monte Cristo to anyone, except Maybe PackerGreg.
I usually don't laugh out loud while working at my computer... but that was hilarious!
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