bridge to nowhere-

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by friendowl »

on saturday morning my 4 year old daughter , her mom [non-hiker] ,
and myself left for azuza.we arrived by 7am and started our walk.
its about 4.5 miles to the bridge.i knew that was a bit much to ask
so i was content just walking as far as they wanted to go.then we could have some lunch and swim and relax near the river somewhere nice.
the river was flowing pretty was about waist deep on certain crossings.the current wasnt strong enough to make it dangerous and i was very glad to have my poles.some crossings were real slippery and with my lil girl on my shoulders the last thing i wanted was to take a dunk.
the river is ready for some inner-tubes.i scoped out a section that would be awesome to float down.atleast a 1/2 mile or more of good clean safe fun.i guess teh girls were enjoying them selves and soon enough we found ourselves at swan rock. my daughters mom wanted to keep going
it was about 930 or so.from swan rock to the bridge is the tougher part.
if it was just me it would have been easy but when i got my daughter to carry everything changes and lil things become a bigger challenge.even walking on some of the lil cliffs make me feel uncomfortable.but still we pressed daughters mom is afraid of heights and there were a few places were she froze up [and she wasnt but like 100 feet up] but still
one slip and things could get ugly.just before the bridge there is one spot that ws that spot she also lost all her energy and decided to wait
she was about 300 yards away so my daughter and i went without her.
i gues some other nice hikers convinced her to pass the scary part and just as i was going back to get her she was coming along.she was real tired.we ate lunch on the bridge and watched all the bungee jumpers
we even saw two dogs fight.some great dane that looked like a horse
against some retriever.the great dane had a muzzle on and still got in a bite or two.some hikers that were near the dogs ran up the cliff which was kind of funny.they were on the narrow trail just after the bridge.we left the bridge at 2 and we didnt make it back to tne car till partner lost all her energy and was cramping up real bad.she was crying with tears could she couldnt move.we rested near the river and she slept for like an daughter and i played [throwing rocks in the water]
and we seen a big rattle snake.she called him fatboy cuz he was big.
11-12 hours of hiking with my lil girl on my back [35 lbs] and my day pack and my partners day pack and theat made for a long tough day.
it really was a lil adventure and even though my daughters mom cant walk
it was fun.

my camera is trippin so as soon as i can i'll put up some pics
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Rick M
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Post by Rick M »

Great to get kids out enjoying the wilderness at a young age (my dad took me "rock climbing" when 3-4 years old). I hope she remembers it and keeps going. Sounds like your wife had an experience too (just don't burn her out on hiking). :)
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Post by Augie »

Sounds like a little bit of everything on your outing. It's great to get kids used to the wilderness early. But be careful even on "lil cliffs."
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Post by Tim »

Nice TR. Sounds like an adventure for everyone. One time I took my niece hiking in Chino Hills State Park and suddenly she really needed to do a #2 if you know what I mean. She wasn't about to do it in the bushes so I had to carry her on my back and run back to the TH as fast as I could. I'm not a big guy either so running with 50 lbs on my back and two day packs on my chest wasn't too easy, but we got out and I took her to a McDonalds to use a "normal" restroom.
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