Michelle Yu's Last words

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Post by seadweller »

I was up on the mtn on the same trail Sat. I believe I ran into her on my descent. She had on a light blue jkt. This is below the hut. It might have been her because she did look familiar. Her eyes especially when I looked at her pic in the news....

Anyhow since I was up there also the week before and gave CPR to the person who expired, I took some pics of the log book to read any messages any one might have left behind for Mr Hugh, the person who died.

In those pics, one of the very last ones, I captured Michelle's signature and her intended itinerary. I guess that's how the SAR figured out where to look, by reading her itinerary ... There is a also a small video at the hut that shows the general gloomy weather coming in ... that's why I wanted to be done early sat ... it sure was windy and chilly cold at the hut...

Unless they found a note with her body, this is probably her last writing...

http://s703.photobucket.com/albums/ww32 ... dy%20Hike/

password: climbhigh

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Post by davantalus »

I think I'll be less casual with those log books from now on. :)
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Post by Tim »

It's spooky that most of the log entries are casual and silly and on hers she specifies her complete route and an emergency contact. Hardly anyone ever does that, so it seems like she was a safety conscious hiker. I wonder if she always signed that way.

I found out today that my coworker's daughter knew Michelle. The daughter works as a paralegal for a state judge and Michelle was an attorney working in the same state building in Downtown LA. Small world....

Seadweller, do you know where Mr. Hugh fell from the trail? I've heard different reports. Thanks for performing CPR and doing what you could.
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Post by seadweller »

Tim wrote: It's spooky that most of the log entries are casual and silly and on hers she specifies her complete route and an emergency contact. I wonder if she always signed that way.

I found out today that my coworker's daughter knew Michelle. The daughter works as a paralegal for a state judge and Michelle was an attorney working in the same state building in Downtown LA. Small world....

Seadweller, do you know where Mr. Hugh fell from the trail? I've heard different reports. Thanks for performing CPR and doing what you could.
You know that why I circled her entry in RED. I do not think that the emergency contact info is her writing ... it is someone elses, probably from the entry right above ....the writings do not match to well ...

Yes, I do know the exact spot where Mr Hugh fell from and where he came to rest. I went last week just to see that spot ... I found an old cord of mine that one of the paramedics cut to use ... in addition, I found a cover for the needle that the paramedic used as a last resort .... I stopped there for a few moments and went down all arround that area to look to see if anyone dropped any valuables nd I can come back and report on them ... we were trying to keep him upright as he was sliding down the trail ....so my nose was literally in the slope, as were otherr people's who were pushing him up alongside me ...

No thank yous are required ... we're all humans on the trail of life (pun intended!) ha ha ha ..... and the least we can do is come to each other's help when the time calls for it ... there is only one moment that comes when opportunity knocks and you have to respond .... otherwise I do not know how one can live with themselves....

When mr Hugh's girlfriend said pretty loud if someone knows CPR, then I ran up as fast as I could .... until then I was not able to see them much and thought the situation was under control ... also I did not know how serious it really was until I heard the word CPR ,,,,

So yeah, next time, fill out those entry logs .. they just might save your life....we owe this much to our loved ones that at least we tell them the route,,,,,
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Post by seadweller »

I am just guessing but in her case I think she took a pretty bad fall and the weather did the rest, since she wasn't dressed for it .... so you are now injured, conscious and cold ... can't imagine the pain ....who knows, it is just a guess ....

May she rest in peace ....

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Post by Tim »

Thanks for the info. I think it is her writing because John Gibson was the roommate who reported her missing. The word "in emergency" also seems to match her handwriting.

Regarding CPR, there aren't a lot of people trained in it and those that are, usually decide to get the training voluntarily. So just thought I'd give some thanks :)
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Post by seadweller »

Tim wrote: Thanks for the info. I think it is her writing because John Gibson was the roommate who reported her missing. The word "in emergency" also seems to match her handwriting.

Regarding CPR, there aren't a lot of people trained in it and those that are, usually decide to get the training voluntarily. So just thought I'd give some thanks :)
I guess you are correct. That whole thing is her message, like you said. I had only done CPR on a dummy in the RED CROSS class ... doing it on a live person is totally different ...I appreciate your kind words...

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Post by Kevin »

Her entry is two after mine - feels a bit eerie to see those . Am quite sure I didn't see her, though, as I turned up Register Ridge shortly thereafter.

In terms of what information people put in the register - more info would be collected if each page had column headers - Date, Name, Time In, Trails, Time Out, Emergency Contact - etc. More complete info might mean faster response times and therefore less cost for some organizations, like the USFS and County Sheriff.

Am glad there's at least some kind of entry register on Baldy. Most peaks don't have one, or it's not maintained.
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Post by Dave G »

Kevin wrote: Her entry is two after mine - feels a bit eerie to see those . Am quite sure I didn't see her, though, as I turned up Register Ridge shortly thereafter.

In terms of what information people put in the register - more info would be collected if each page had column headers - Date, Name, Time In, Trails, Time Out, Emergency Contact - etc. More complete info might mean faster response times and therefore less cost for some organizations, like the USFS and County Sheriff.

Am glad there's at least some kind of entry register on Baldy. Most peaks don't have one, or it's not maintained.
The Ski Hut Trail register isn't maintained, either. Better to leave that kind of info with a designated person not on the trip (spouse, s/o, etc.). I usually leave destination/route info along with a time when I hope to be back (or at least check in), a time when to start worrying, and a time when to call SAR (usually around 12-18 hrs overdue). I know some guys who have even made up a form for this purpose.
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Post by bertfivesix »

Mine usually amounts to "Going to [place]. Back in contact by [date/time] or call SAR. If I die, erase all my porn."
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Post by seadweller »

I read in news that she was found in the Fish Fork drainage area.
I am just trying to put this area in perspective from my memory.

So what I think is that if you are at the summit and you are headed down the Devil's backbone, then she fell to the left of the trail ....

Is this assumption correct???

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Post by Hikin_Jim »

She must not have got down to the portion that I would refer to as the DBB. If she came to rest on the Fish Fork side of things, then she still had to have been relatively close to the summit, yes?

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Post by AlanK »

Fish Fork is to the west of the ridge connecting Baldy and Dawson and to the north of San Antonio Ridge. One cannot fall in the vicinity of the Devil's Backbone and end up down there. I have not seen anyone post an exact location for where she ended up, but people have mentioned the possibilities of either a fall from the summit or a fall from the area of the trail to Dawson.
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Post by Taco »

I've locked the threads out of respect to her. Friends have voiced they do not want any more speculation on the subject.
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Post by seadweller »

So tomorrow the friends complain about something else and you are gonna lock those threads also?

Locking threads has to be based on violation of board rules NOT some emotional mumbo jumbo from friends...

How many threads are you going to lock??? Why not just delete them from the database? Why not call news media around socal and tell them to do the same?
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Post by Dave G »

How about you voluntarily show some empathy for the family and respect for the dead? Then thread-locking won't be necessary.
There are no further lessons to be learned from this tragedy and continued public discussion borders on the macabre, IMHO.
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Post by Layne Cantrell »

seadweller wrote: So tomorrow the friends complain about something else and you are gonna lock those threads also?

Locking threads has to be based on violation of board rules NOT some emotional mumbo jumbo from friends...

How many threads are you going to lock??? Why not just delete them from the database? Why not call news media around socal and tell them to do the same?
You're seriously creepy.
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Post by AlanK »

Dave G wrote: How about you voluntarily show some empathy for the family and respect for the dead? Then thread-locking won't be necessary.
There are no further lessons to be learned from this tragedy and continued public discussion borders on the macabre, IMHO.
Taco runs a great board and I respect his decision to close the threads. I am not sure there was nothing more to be learned, but all threads reach a point of diminished returns. Ind the end, empathy and respect have real value and are often in short supply.
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Post by PackerGreg »

Bottom of the seadweller: one fin in front of the other. It'll take time, but you can evolve.
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Post by Taco »

Are you sure you really want to get into this with me?
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Post by bertfivesix »

This issue comes up all the time on climbing forums. Is there a point where incident analysis and education infringes disproportionately on the emotions of the victim's friends and family?

Ultimately though, nobody ever changes a mod's mind, and nobody is forcing you to be here.
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