101010 Baldy Bowl - Piton Rock

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by Taco »

101010 = 42 in binary. I could be wrong. I refuse to check, as my level of caring is not sufficient to grant me user privileges or somesuch nonsense ANYWAY...

Was gonna meet up with my buddy Dustin, but they were late by quite a bit so I went up to Piton Rock to do some aid climbing laps. The route was short, 20-25ft or so, so I did 3 laps, the latter two of which I timed. 16 minutes first try, 8 on the last. Aid climbing is slow, and this is fast because it's just slinging hangerless bolts as opposed to placing nuts and pro that won't hold.

Vitaliy spotted me and we talked for a bit. Good to see you!

The hike up kinda sucked, with my not-so-well designed assault pack with a full rack not riding anywhere near as nicely as a climbing pack. Did a bit under an hour to the hut. Took me 17 minutes to get down from the hut to where Ski Hut Trail hits the dirt road, though. You can go a lot faster if you're not carrying a screwy pack and you don't have halfway destroyed approach shoes on.

It was nice to get out, as I haven't been out in a long time. Had a very bad cold with some sorta big sinus problem and lotsa blood coming outta my nose and pooping all weird and all sorts of awesome stuff. Tired as hell. Nice and quiet up in the mountains. Lotsa cute girls up on Baldy today, too. "HOLLA."

My apologies if this is all poorly worded or stupid. I'm tired and my brain is being crushed by sinus pressure.

Misc Pics:
Unbelievable 85,000ft to go


This guy

Name of the game

Some sorta sequence. Did things differently on the last lap, hence why the rope isn't visible.

I love jugging.
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Post by mve »

Ryan, it was good to see you man! Nice time you made going from the hut to the road WOW :shock:

Here's a clip I took when you were getting down from the rock. Don't get dizzy watching though, I had to move over to let some people go so it's a bit shaky :D
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Post by Taco »

LOL @ Rammstein!

Also, HI BOB!
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Post by mve »

:lol: Rammstein indeed!
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Just like spider man. Nice.

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Post by MarkI »

Hey Taco,
I noticed those bolts back there about 2 months ago and was thinking about putting some hangars on them but then I thought, hell someone would just take them so I never did it. Quarter inch bolts but they're pretty solid, I guess there are bolts on top too? Looks like a fun, short route!
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Post by Taco »

Hi MarkI!

There are 4 good bolts on the top of Piton Rock, IIRC. Only one atop this route, a Metolius hanger on a 3/4. Further west, there are two bolts that are kinda nice, which look to be used for TR'ing the south face, .8ish looking or so.
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