Legal Eagle for San J Snow Creek Mountaineers

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Joined: Sat Jan 19, 2008 11:28 am

Post by Ellen »

Howdy All.

I am writing on behalf of friends of mine who climbed Snow Creek this spring and have been served with papers for trespassing by the Desert Water Agency (DWA).

My understanding is that if my friends plead guilty and settle (sign a paper saying they'll never trespass again and pay a fine), the settlement could go on their record and have a negative effect on their credit score.

Do you know of any environmental or property rights attorneys who would represent my friends pro bono? Although my friends are willing to settle, they do not want to have their credit adversely affected. My friends are normal folks without the financial resources to negotiate with the DWA.

Please note that since the DWA troubles escalated last spring, my friends and others have used a legal route established by Rick Kent and Giga Mike.

If you have any recommendations, please e-mail me privately or send me a message via this forum.

Thanks from the heart,
Ellen Coleman
EColemanRD at A O L .com
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