Baldy via Ski Hut Trail 8-14-10

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by AlanK »

My wife Ann had never hiked up Mt. Baldy before, so I have been conspiring to fix that. She has been doing a lot of walking this summer, so it seemed like a good time to give it a try. We picked a beautiful day, with moderate temperatures, lots of sun, and great visibility. Ann made me promise that we would head down if and when she had enough, but it was pretty clear that she was heading all the way to the top. We made it in fins style! I got big points for bringing up the rear the entire time. (Little does she know that I am used to that from hiking with our son Eric.)

We saw Shin and Jeff S twice today. They were finishing a hike as we got going and we saw them approaching the top again as we headed down from the summit. These were Shin's 201st and 202nd summits.

We also saw the San Clemente High School cross country team on the summit and San Clemente Island from the summit. The latter, at least, does not happen a lot in August.

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Post by HikeUp »

Congrats Ann! 8)
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Post by snmtbaldy »

Hi Alan and Ann,
It was very nice to see and meet you on the trail today.

The last time I met Alan was June 20th of 2009. It has been over year now.
Today Jeff S. talked me into join his 2x attempt. We got it done all right but it was a hard hike because of the hot weather. You and your son did 3X and 4X last year. Now I appreciate how challenging it was physically and mentally.

Alan, did you stop hiking the bear flat trail?

Hope to see you on the trail.

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Post by AlanK »

snmtbaldy wrote:Hi Alan and Ann,
It was very nice to see and meet you on the trail today.

The last time I met Alan was June 20th of 2009. It has been over year now.
Today Jeff S. talked me into join his 2x attempt. We got it done all right but it was a hard hike because of the hot weather. You and your son did 3X and 4X last year. Now I appreciate how challenging it was physically and mentally.

Alan, did you stop hiking the bear flat trail?

Hope to see you on the trail.

Shin -- congratulations on 202 ascents with many more to come!

On that multi-trip day last year, we had the advantage of a group effort. There were people going up and down all day. Even if lots of them were making only one trip, it added a lot to the atmosphere. Plus, Rick Kent was on a roll and making it all look easy. Or at least necessary. And there was a good cause involved.

I still love the Bear Flat Trail. I was not going to take my wife up that route for her first trip :lol: -- but I did do it recently as part of a multi-peak outing on July 17.

I'll see you on many more Baldy trails!
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Post by RichardK »

We hiked Baldy via the Ski Hut trail yesterday, too. We were on the summit from 12 to 12:30. You must have been there about the same time since we saw the track team as well. It was one of the clearer days. I was surprised to see San Clemente Island on the horizon. The views in every direction were great.
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Post by JayO »

Well, my friend Jim & I went up the Ski Hut trail Saturday AM, saw Shin & Jeff on their way down on trip #1, saw the San Clemente HS team and San Clemente Island - but MISSED meeting AnnK!! Maybe next time - right Ann? :wink:
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Post by snmtbaldy »

I read the post about your multi-peak outing on July 17th. It was very interesting that your hiking friend JayO is my friend. JayO chased me up on MT of Mt. Whitney in 2008. Our 2nd rest stop was at the cable. I hiked with him Mt. Whitney three times. He was one of the fastest one and strongest hiker. I had known he ran a long distance but I didn't know that both of you are friends and hiking together. It is a small world.
Now I understand how strong both of you are.

Keep on running.
See you on the trail.

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