Fire video

Poppies & cougars & shrooms, oh my!
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Post by cougarmagic »

"The Beast":

Angeles Requiem from Tocho on Vimeo.This was recorded by a motion sensing camera, in a canyon on the front range of the San Gabriels. There were two cameras in this area. One burned completely, but this one was in a rocky streambed away from anything flammable, and insulated by being anchored under a boulder.
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Post by HikeUp »

Wow! That is amazing stuff.

Ever recover your cameras? Or was this yours?
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Post by cougarmagic »

Well, this camera was recovered...the other one (tied to a big pile of dead wood :roll: ...not so much. Just got a metal security case filled with some powdery ash back on that one.

I put this on Vimeo because their video quality is better, and (this is kind of funny) I've found that there are people who will not click on a link with "cougarmagic" in the name because they think it's porn or something!
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Post by HikeUp »

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norma r
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Post by norma r »

Outstanding video with excellent music. Compelling and heartbreaking at the same time. A must-see for every board member.
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Post by EManBevHills »

I didn't recognize your nom de plume. I ought to have reckoned that you were responsible for this amazing footage.
It brought me to tears. I reposted it on FB I was so moved.

Extraordinary! So very sad.
But hopeful, too...
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Post by cougarmagic »

Thanks. It feels weird to 'promote' it, like I would a cool animal video, so that's why I just kind of put it up there. I mean..."Hey! Look at this incredibly awful thing that will make you depressed!!"....weird.

"Tocho" is the Hopi word for mountain lion.

The one good thing about it is that the bears look healthy.
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Post by Socalhiker »

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Post by Tim »

Wow, that is some incredible footage, especially 1:00-1:30.

I wonder what was going through the minds of all of the animals. Some of them may have never even seen fire before and now their whole world was crashing down all around them. It must have been terrifying.
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