Two Noobs Summit Baldy (2nd attempt) via The Bowl 3/13/10

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by BiletChick »

My boyfriend Curt and I just got into winter hiking this year. We started with a couple of snowshoe outings in January and summited San Jacinto on shoes Feb. 13th. That got us hooked. We decided to take a snow travel class held by Sierra Mountaineering on Feb. 20th. This class really got us amped up to go further. So on Mar. 6th, we made our first attempt on Mt. Baldy via the bowl. Unfortunately the incoming weather, low visibility, and not knowing a safe route up forced us to turn around about 350 feet up the bowl. It was good to get some practice time on the terrain.
The following week, we decided to take another shot at the bowl. The weather reports showed possible snow(?) and high winds gusting to 45mph. Neither one of us thought we would make the summit, but we were willing to try. We got a later start than we wanted and ended up hitting the trail at 8am with a bazillion other hikers! The hike to the ski hut was crowded and a little windy, but uneventfull. Once at the hut, we ate sandwiches and switched our microspkes and hiking poles for crampons and ice axes. We set out on the same route as the last weekend...straight up the bowl, but this time we could see the top!
The conditions on the bowl were a bit different...Icy, cold, and low visibility the first time, clear skies, warmer, and softer wetter snow this time. The climb up was long, steep, & challenging. We cut our own path for part of the way and followed in the footsteps of others on the steeper times on our hands and knees! There were several times that we considered turning back, but we kept pushing forward. Once we reached the rim of the bowl, we thought we were really close to the summit...WRONG!!! That final 200+ ft. trudge from the rim to the top was the most mentally draining part of the whole climb. We were exhausted and just wanted to get to the top. The summit was a wide flat plateau and the view was spectacular. It was VERY cold and VERY windy. We estimate that it was blowing a constant 35-40 mph. We took a few pictures, shot a little video, then headed back down. We thought about going back down the same route and glissading, but it was to friggin' steep(for 2 noobs) looking down from the top. We decided to hike the ridge over to the side of the bowl near the tree line and take the "easier" way...HAHA. We slipped, slided, stumbled, and postholed to our knees all the way down to the hut. We were toast by the time we got there. We took a little break, ate a snack, and were back on the trail heading for the parking lot at Manker. We arrived back at the car at 5:40pm. A long, but VERY satisfying day! The climb itself was by far the most physically demanding thing either of us has ever done in our 44+ years of life...but when you finally reach that summit, man is it ever worth it!!!
Note: Our snow travel class with SMI really helped us with the technique in using the ice axe and crampons. (I highly recommend this class if you want to get out and hike in the winter) We encountered some pretty steep terrain but we never felt unsafe or in danger with the proper gear and some knowledge of how to use it. Thanks Kurt & Sara - this one was for you!
Stacy & Curt
pictures from the summit trip - ... MMIT31310#
pictures from the first attempt - ... EBOWL3610#
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Post by EnFuego »

Nice TR and nice photos.

Conditions can be fun going up, when it's early and the snow is firm. Coming back down is always challenging when things soften up. Next time, from the summit, head east towards the smaller bowl and walk/glissade right into the ski hut. Saves a lot of time and is lots of fun.
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Post by TracieB »

Congratulations Curt and Stacy! I'm glad you two had a safe trip up and back. As someone else on this board said "Baldy never disappoints". Nice photos!

One of these days, I'm going to have to try it up the bowl... :wink:
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Post by BiletChick »

Thanks EnFuego, we'll have to try that next time! If I was in my 20's I would have tried it the first time, but it was a little hairy looking down the chute that we came up...

Hey Tracie
Thanks! It was quite a challenge for us, but I'm sure you would have no problem with it. We just turned right out of the hut, headed straight up, and veered slightly west to avoid the DB.

Nice TR & pics on your Iceburg Lake day hike, btw!
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Post by jimqpublic »

Great trip report and congratulations on your first Baldy climb. I did my first a couple weeks ago. Every day as I look at the mountains from Long Beach I can't believe I climbed to the top. It looks so huge and impressive from 50 miles away.
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Post by Taco »

Hey Biletchick, figure you can resize your avatar to about 150x150, or as big as anyone elses? Thanks. 8)
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Post by BiletChick »

Thanks Jim. I read about your training on the WPSMB. Way to go!!!

Taco - I don't have photoshop on my work computer so I just pasted a URL in the box and that's what came about no picture at all?...problem!
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Post by mve »

Congratulations Stacy & Curt! Thanks for the TR -- I really enjoyed reading about your adventure. Those first ascents are very special.

Love this picture :D ... 7022508498


Keep going and stay safe.
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Post by BiletChick »

Thanks mve!
It was definitely a special day for both of us...and hopefully the next one will be as good or better!
When are you planning to lug that big camera of yours up the bowl again? We love your pics and TR from the last Baldy solo. We both shoot Nikon DSLR's and were really inspired by your effort and the amazing shots that you took.
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Post by GigaMike »

Congrats Stacy and Curt. Great TR and pics!
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Post by turtle »

Yeah, I found that one rather amusing as well. Been there for sure!
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Post by BiletChick »

Hey Mike, Thanks!
Nice trip on San G for you. Jeez, you are an animal :!:
Did you see Carole and the Gang up there?

turtle - He pretty much hit a wall right there...overheating, exhausted...nothing that a little water and a few shot bloks couldn't fix!! :wink:
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Post by Taco »

BiletChick wrote:Thanks Jim. I read about your training on the WPSMB. Way to go!!!

Taco - I don't have photoshop on my work computer so I just pasted a URL in the box and that's what came about no picture at all?...problem!
Do you have MS Paint? If so, select all, and CTRL + W, resize to whatever % fits. I could do it for you if you like, just post up the pic.
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norma r
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Post by norma r »

Congrats Stacy & Curt! Nice job! :D :D You do know that Baldy is the entry drug for harder climbs!...
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Post by BiletChick »

Thanks Norma!
We cut our teeth on San J about a month ago and caught the fever...which led to the snow travel course with Sara & Kurt...and viola! Baldy via the bowl. I guess San G would naturally be next (we haven't snow camped yet)...or maybe something in the Sierras? Any suggestions?
It's all good to me :wink:
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Post by BiletChick »

Thanks Taco. I have Photoshop at home, just haven't had the time to resize my pics for this application.
I'll "git 'er done"
Thanks for the offer! :D
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