First ascent! ( me.. of Baldy)

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by jimqpublic »

I've been meaning to climb Baldy for a couple of months- but three times either weather or schedules got in the way of even starting.

Yesterday was almost a repeat. A planned partner had to cancel, then yesterday morning I got up but hadn't packed and was almost ready to go back to bed when I saw an email from Kathy Wing inviting me to join her group at 7:00. Then I had a quick frenzy of throwing gear in the pack, having breakfast, and hitting the road. Low fuel and a NEED for Starbucks delayed me further. I hung the U-turn for parking at Falls Road at exactly 6:59. After screeching to a halt, smoke started wafting from under the hood, enveloping a gentleman standing nearby in a haze.

That would be John, one of my to-be companions for the day. Kathy soon arrived, followed by Ed from across the road. After introductions and a bit more gear fiddling on my part we started up the path at around 7:20. I really like to start out hiking very slowly, but after a full round of claims to the title of "slowest hiker" we developed a pace that was more of a training rate than a gentle stroll for me.

About two hours saw the green ski hut and a quick break to fuel, hydrate, and crampon-up. We headed up into the bowl with discussions of the saddle to the right or couloir to the left. We ended up going left. I shortly realized that the length adjustment on one crampons was too long and stopped to fix that. Suddenly I was well behind the group and sped up to catch them.

Ed was in the lead, setting a good steady pace. Still being pretty green at using crampons I played around with different techniques- flat footing straight up; following steps from those ahead; flat-footing in a climbing traverse; edging up, etc. I was so engrossed in this practice that I kept dropping back, then hustling again to catch up. We reached some rocks at a split in the couloir and I was close to bonking. I called ahead to John that I was taking a nutrition break.

Plopping down in the snow, I scarfed down a Clif bar and some water. A few minutes later I felt re-energized and rounded the corner to find the rest of the group resting at the top of the couloir. My legs were clearly tired as they wanted to cramp as I joined the group- but luckily from there to the summit was a much more gentle slope.

We reached the summit at about 11:30 and I was amazed at the views. Many peaks that I couldn't name, but Catalina island, San Gorgonio, San Jacinto, Telescope Peak, and the southern Sierra were all clearly visible.

Heading back down, we descended the ridge a bit towards Harwood before dropping into the bowl. I was the first to glissade, trying to be rather conservative since I haven't done a good glissade in a score of years. Conditions were perfect though and after doing some test self-arrests I started having fun. Suddenly I thought an avalanche was coming- but quickly realized it was just John screaming by in a fast sitting glissade with rooster tails of snow spraying up from his boots and axe spike. What took two hours to climb only took a few minutes to glissade and soon we were back at the hut.

A nice hike down, quick good-byes and I was back home in Long Beach before 4:00.

I had a great time. Kathy, Ed, and John thanks for having me along.

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Post by lilbitmo »

Nice first bowl ascent, congratulations and nice TR, NR will be glad you found some other hikers/climbers to guide you up. Hopefully someone will post some of those views you mentioned - would like to see some of those shots?

Hope to see you up there again soon :D
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Post by GigaMike »

Congrats Jim on your first Baldy bowl climb.
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norma r
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Post by norma r »

Great TR Jim! Congrats on summiting and i admire the perserverance you showed to make the day happen for you. That view from the summit on a clear day is pretty spectacular. So glad to hear you had a great time!! :D
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Post by KathyW »

It was a beautiful day out there on Friday with great company. Thanks for joining us Jim. The guys even got a reluctant glissader like me to slide down the bowl.

Some Pictures: ... 2594_uQBDg
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Dave G
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Post by Dave G »

Great job, Jim Q and Kathy! We're so lucky to have these primo winter conditions locally this year. :D
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