Henninger Flats & High Point 3681: 02-13-2010

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by HikeUp »

Hiked up to Henninger Flats and then took a sort of cross country route from there up to High Point 3681. The route from the Flats up to the high point involved taking an old abandoned road that contours east across the south face of high point 3681 out to the drop in point to Pasadena Glen canyon. I didn't quite make it to the drop in point because of a rather treacherous washout of the old road bed. I back tracked a hundred yards or so and headed up a steep gully/hill side to high point 3681 (a gain of about 400'). After that I dropped off the back side to hook up with the Mt. Wilson Toll Road and returned to the car.

The recent rains caused some minor slide damage to the repairs they made to the big slide above the bridge over Eaton Wash. Road is clear though.

High Point 3681 is at the eastern end of a flat topped peak-let that is nicely shaded with tall pines. It offers sweeping views of the L.A. sprawl below. Well worth a short side trip if you happen to be heading up or down the Mt. Wilson Toll Road.


A view along peak-let; nice trees and shade (saw some deer too)...

Critter tracks (2 different locations)...

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