Limerock Fixation 2010/2/2

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by mattmaxon »

Limerock fixation @


I've had a bit of a Limerock thing going lately...

When planning a trip down Limerock Canyon I saw it was possible to to do this loop

I started up the canyon hoping to see a trail but there was none except faint game trails so I picked one and started up.

The ridge has more of a "trail" but that really overstates it, it's not bad an I trust the animals to know the way, this is their territory!

The only even remotely difficult spot guessed it near the top, but just study the terrain and choose your footing carefully.

I made it the top but the roads seen on Google Earth are overgrown, the brush is not bad though.

I head toward "2732" and see an ORG curving around the east side... I take it. It becomes more of a trail quickly but someone in the past has cut the brush making it a faint trail. At waypoint 0130 there is another faint trail coming up the ridge from Nehr Cyn, I'll bet it connects with an old pack trail that is shown on some older maps.

The trail ends at a large wide flat area next to 2 forest service concrete cisterns the name is faint but "LIMEROCK" is the name painted on the top.

I take the road to a fainter road and down to Limerock Cyn Crk. Up canyon to Kagel Cyn Rd, Kagel Divide for a rest. I noted there had been a motorcycle, horse, dog and 2 hikers down Limerock Cyn trail recently. The area near Kagel Cyn Rd and Divide is a very active Bobcat area, lots of scat, scrapes etc.

The firebreak up to Limerock Peak has one drawback and that is the shooting range below, I feared some errant bullet would make it's way up here, the fear is probably founded in my ignorance of what is possible and what type of ammo and guns are allowed.

It is always interesting to me to hike in the opposite direction as it's a totally different experience you see different things and my zen and the art of up hill generally has my head down and my feet moving, just get into a zone and keep moving you'll get there. I took one of the other use trail coming up the ridge, I feel the route I took the week before is better. Other apparently disagree because this is the more traveled route.

Oh well I got to my vehicle and noted 4.53 miles on the trip computer, not sure why the track values and the trip computer values vary, but the trip computer values when checked against known values always seem to be more accurate....
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Sam Page
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Post by Sam Page »

Sounds like you got off the beaten path!
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Post by cougarmagic »

Sam Page wrote:Sounds like you got off the beaten path!
haha - Matt doesn't even START on the beaten path! :lol:
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