Walk up to ski hut

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by hvydrt »

I walked up to the ski hut this morning. I intended to goto the summit but I was in a rather lazy mood. I expected a least a little new snow, but there wasn't really anything new below the ski hut. There may have been a few inches up higher, but I think that storm yesterday was to warm and it rained. The snow had a really nice hard crust, almost like ice. After lounging around the porch of the ski hut for a while, I decided to take advantage of the hard, icy snow and practice self arresting for a while. I found a great slope about quarter mile below the hut. It was fairly steep, hard, and had a nice flat spot at the bottom. So I threw myself down the slope and arrested until my knees and hands couldn't take it anymore. I only saw 1 lady and her dog all day.

Taco Del Rio Fan Club??????
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Post by Taco »

Lazy days are some of the nicest days out.

LOL at first pic. 8)
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