Plans Software Brainstorming (Formerly PnP Harwood NE Face)

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Post by Taco »

Just a sort of posted plan for today. Leaving in a few minutes to give it a shot. Going up Lytle Creek road/3n06, then up the canyon north of the Devils Backbone. Probably going to attempt via the central rib of the face, assuming conditions aren't so great today with the warm temps we've had lately.

Probably descending the NE ridge of Harwood (AKA Holtgrefe Ridge, AKA Easy Street).

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Post by mve »

That's a good idea to post a route/plan as well as expected time of return when someone goes alone or even as a group ...

What do you guys think if we put-up a custom website where you could pre-define a route/trip along with the photos/GPS-coordinates and the phone# for the local emergency services in case you don't return in time.

Then, whenever you are going out you just pick the predefined route (or create one on the fly), set the return date/time and provide a list of email address of the people you want notified.

Later, if you don't post back before the check in time, the system will automatically email your personalized list of people and let them know that sh$t just hit the fan so they can start looking for you.

What do you think?

We could even have a master wall page for each mountain/wilderness area which would list who's out and their expected check in time ...
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Post by Tim »

Although it seems like a good idea at first, I rarely post my plans publicly because I think it will jinx the mission and I'm paranoid criminals could be lurking these boards looking for info so that they can jack your car or you and your car at some remote TH that only us crazy fools go!

Then again, it could also make for a good vigilante ambush on ACH...not that I'd ever do anything like that.
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Post by Taco »

MVE, I'd say that might work, though leaving plans with family gives an advantage: motivation. A family is very motivated to make sure you're home on time.

If you or anyone else wants to run with it, by all means. I've got no energy for more sites than just this one. :lol:

Tim, I always think of that. :lol:
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Post by lilbitmo »

Vitaly (mve), I like that idea. I already leave maps and times with the wife but she really doesn't know the extent of what we do and it would be nice to have a back up if she's not in town or it's a little more technical than I want to "Scare Her" with.

I agree with Tim that I don't want to be to specific about plans on a board that anyone could access, but with a private site for those of us that know each other it could work. Just because I don't let people on an open site know I'm hiking a particular trail at a particular time, doesn't mean my car will not get jacked, I think most folks know that areas where trouble exists already, doesn't mean it won't happen in other areas, just more likely to keep happening where it's been happening.

I would have to say that Taco knows quite a few of the board members and we could have a system where once a person has done a few hikes with people that Taco trust, he could allow them access to a special "Limited Access Site".

It would be nice to have action taken based on people that know an area and know ones abilities instead of having family unfamiliar with an area or what it takes to get oneself out calling SAR and the sherrif versus family freaking out as what happened with Zach last month (I'm not picking on him, just using that as an example). He had informed his family on more than one occasion not to call for 24 hours and they did before the "Drop Dead Time".

The site can have a spot for "Notes" that the person can text too or leave updated information right before they head to the trialhead. Giving specific for that day. :D
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Post by mve »

I agree that for security reasons keeping it private -- i.e. login/registration required is a must.

We could also make it such that you would be able to mark other members as your trusted buddy and only they would see your future/planned trips.
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Post by Taco »

lilbitmo, I like the idea. Still trying to set up a part of this site with limited access. Right along the lines you speak of. That I wouldn't mind working on.
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Post by mve »

TacoDelRio wrote:MVE, I'd say that might work, though leaving plans with family gives an advantage: motivation. A family is very motivated to make sure you're home on time.
Yes, if possible, family should be notified first. And what I had in mind would not replace it but rather make it easier to provide your trip info to them or anyone else you desire.

For instance -- speaking of my own arrangement -- my GF and I, we try to always notify my parents and my GF's bro who's on the east coast. I always have trouble giving him enough details since he's not from this area. If I had a private site where I could define all the details of my route and then had a way to email him a link where he can view it -- that would be much easier.

Same thing with my parents -- they always get too nervous writing down all the details (language barrier), this way, they'll have something I wrote-up -- not them taken over the phone.
TacoDelRio wrote:If you or anyone else wants to run with it, by all means. I've got no energy for more sites than just this one. :lol:
This is something that would have to be written from ground up -- I don't know of any canned software that would do this out of the box.

It would also have to be dead-set reliable, so what I was thinking is using one of my AWS instances that I use for couple of my sites that has proven to be rock solid and reliable. I like AWS because you don't see going down often. And it runs on the same hardware infrastructure that is ...

All I need is time to write this in PYTHON or PHP and some ideas/feedback such as what has been provided here already ...

How about this name for a site? "In Case Shit Hits The Fan" -- -- it's available and kind of rolls off your tongue easy :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Taco »

NOOOOO don't ever mention Python again! If I have to code in Python ever again, I'll tear my eyeballs out.

You have good points. I didn't think much before I posted my first reply, as I just didn't want to have to do more computer work.

If you made the site, you could really hit it off big, you know. It fills a niche that doesn't have any sites at the moment, that I know of at least.
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Post by Taco »

Oh yes, and I'll change the title of the thread and move this. This is a good spot for brainstorming.
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Post by mve »

TacoDelRio wrote:NOOOOO don't ever mention Python again! If I have to code in Python ever again, I'll tear my eyeballs out.
Well, I am more into PHP myself but I though it would be a good project to test django on ... but, what the heck! Screw PYTHON! How about PHP? :lol: I don't want to pin the project into a corner with a choice of a language.
TacoDelRio wrote:You have good points. I didn't think much before I posted my first reply, as I just didn't want to have to do more computer work.

If you made the site, you could really hit it off big, you know. It fills a niche that doesn't have any sites at the moment, that I know of at least.
I think it could work ... and if you want to help at some point it would be great. :D I'll get the ball rolling ...
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Post by Taco »

Most excellent!

(I just finished a course with Python... not fun)
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