Mt. Baldy ski via Devils Backbone - Feb 16, 2008

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Post by 406 »

Some photos from my trip up the devils backbone from Baldy resort lifts to
Baldy Peak summit on Sat Feb 16th. Skiing from summit and hiking out the ski hut trail. All scenery
photos, because I was riding solo.

Still good coverage on north facing slopes and at Baldy resort.

The route along the back bone trail:

I got these Black Diamond ski boot specific crampons for myself for
Christmas...Not only do they make me feel bad ass, but they work great and are
light. Aluminum so not for vertical ice or rock.

Great views from the ridge and an exciting hike.

Damn Harwood's always in the way.

From Harwood, I scouted the chute and line I wanted to ski:

Great views.

As I was about to start my ski down from near the summit some jerk off walked
to within 5 feet of me and took a picture of me. When did that become an ok
thing to do!!??
I said, "are you going to ask permission before you take my
jerk off, "don't worry, I won't post"
me, "why do you need too take a picture of me?!"
jerk off, "just taking pictures of people."
I'm sure my face is now on every gay telemark porn website...or worse. LAME!!!

Getting ready to drop in, view from the top of the chute.

Looking back up at first few turns.

Skied down around noon, excellent conditions. Think it would turn into a soup
bowl around 1 pm. Should have made another run, but didn't.

Should hike up this someday and see if run continues to ridge line.

Have been looking at this line for several years...

Skied from fire road back to parking lot at Baldy resort, returning to truck
around 1:30. Made a few runs at the resort off chair 1 and 4, nice corn and
no crowds. I think more people rode the chair to the notch for views than
skiing. Baldy had enough employees for a big crowd, would be nice if they are
that prepared next powder day.

Lots of snow players along the road, but no real traffic issues on the drive
down. Car behind me had Masshole plates, and I think he hated snowplayers and stupid drivers more than I, he was flipping people off...I thought that was
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Post by simonov »

406 wrote: As I was about to start my ski down from near the summit some jerk off walked to within 5 feet of me and took a picture of me.
Wasn't me. I was up on the summit when I was snapping pics of total strangers.
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Post by Travis »

lol, is this Summitpost discussion regarding your responce to said photo :)
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Post by Taco »


I love your pictures and stuff dude! And the commentary! This is the best post EVAR!

Graham ain't gonna be too happy, I reckon. :lol: I see a war coming on!

BTW, I'd love to climb back up Telegraph's Northwest Face, if you want a partner. I don't yet have my badass $12 red ass-saucer yet, though, so I'd walk back. 8)

Also, Big Butch Wash has some lines you might like, though they are probably all ice by now, or very hard snow rather.
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Post by 406 »

TacoDelRio wrote:
BTW, I'd love to climb back up Telegraph's Northwest Face, if you want a partner. I don't yet have my badass $12 red ass-saucer yet, though, so I'd walk back. 8)
UP Telegraph NW face? That might be over my ability/gear level...but an awesome trip. I had been thinking of walking up the ridge from the ski resort.
TacoDelRio wrote: Also, Big Butch Wash has some lines you might like, though they are probably all ice by now, or very hard snow rather.
Yeah, I think so. Maybe by mid-March these will get soft mid day?
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Post by AW~ »

Have to agree with 406 on this one. Yes, we may live in a survelliance society now, but not in the outdoors. I wouldnt like to be skiing or in the skiing mindset and have my photos taken. Well, mainly because I would end up on max X but actually, I have been in unflattering situations, and can trust that most of those photos arent published. Its not a matter of confidence or self-esteem, I am not in the outdoors to perform and its just a too much in your face type of thing to snap without permission.

The first time this really set in was on top of Half Dome. I remember a bunch of cell phone chatting and endless cameras going off including other people including myself(since I had gone barefoot to the top)..anyways it was a considerable lowering of the outdoor experience which generally has been MYOB and I cant disagree with that.
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Post by Taco »

406 wrote:
TacoDelRio wrote:
BTW, I'd love to climb back up Telegraph's Northwest Face, if you want a partner. I don't yet have my badass $12 red ass-saucer yet, though, so I'd walk back. 8)
UP Telegraph NW face? That might be over my ability/gear level...but an awesome trip. I had been thinking of walking up the ridge from the ski resort.
TacoDelRio wrote: Also, Big Butch Wash has some lines you might like, though they are probably all ice by now, or very hard snow rather.
Yeah, I think so. Maybe by mid-March these will get soft mid day?
It's not that bad.

Hopefully, you'll have good snow up there in BBW after this storm, ending early next week.

Post by graham »

406, great trip report and photos with those wacky Photoshop crayon captions.
406 wrote: As I was about to start my ski down from near the summit some jerk off walked to within 5 feet of me and took a picture of me.
That jerk off you speak of was me

First off, I’m sorry if I offended you by taking your photo. I didn’t think I was in your personal space and I didn’t think the photo was in bad taste. To the contrary, I thought it made a nice photo op of a skier standing if front of a gnarly pine with the summit area in the background.

2. I haven’t posted your photo as promised (and I won’t).

3. You indicate that I took your photo from only 5 feet away is a total exaggeration. I was at least 30’ away and I thought a respectful distance. It was not a mug shot.

4. Here are the photos I took that day. I try to take photos that capture the terrain, conditions, people, etc. I try to be respectful of other people privacy, but still think people add an interesting element to the scene. ... e=album112

5. As discussed on Summitpost, I have never had an encounter like this. In all my years of hiking, climbing and taking photos, you are the very first person to protest, which surprised me.

6. Everyone else that I took photos that day were stoked about the photos; including the other skiers on the summit, the Caltech group, folks at the hut, etc.

7. I'm sorry if I tick you off, but I’m not going to apologize as I don’t believe I did anything wrong.

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Post by 406 »

TacoDelRio wrote: Hopefully, you'll have good snow up there in BBW after this storm, ending early next week.
Yeah, except I'm out of town on vacation for the first week in March...when I planned my winter vacations the weather experts said it was going to be a dry SoCal winter. Maybe I will get another chance this year, if not there is always next locally snowy winter...three years from now!

Looks like the weather might not be to bad on Saturday ( 2-23 ). Assuming no more than a few inches of snow fall today/tonight would you be interested?
Probably would just be a 1/2 day trip, so I would understand if you have a better trip lined up.
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Post by 406 »

406 wrote: Assuming no more than a few inches of snow fall today/tonight
Well the baldy resort is claiming 10" ( which in reality is likely 5" ) in the last 24 hours...better be safe and wait.
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Post by Taco »

Wish I coulda gone (Sat), got work. :)
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